Copyright Info


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I often sell my work, through my own website, and also at juried shows. For this reason, I add Copyright Notations on my photos. Is this considered bad form for posting to MobiTog?
Thanks RoseCat. I thought perhaps people might think I was putting on airs, and I didn't want to appear so. But I found many years ago that some people will take advantage if they can. I know our good members here don't fall into that category, but the site gets many visitors who never join up and some, very small, percentage of those, may not fully understand US Copyright laws. Anyhow, thanks for the reply.
Thanks RoseCat. I thought perhaps people might think I was putting on airs, and I didn't want to appear so. But I found many years ago that some people will take advantage if they can. I know our good members here don't fall into that category, but the site gets many visitors who never join up and some, very small, percentage of those, may not fully understand US Copyright laws. Anyhow, thanks for the reply.
Not "putting on airs" at all... :thumbs: It's sometimes quite necessary, unfortunately, especially in this New World of online sharing. I've waivered back and forth - sometimes I don't want anything *extra* on the image, but really mostly I just always forget to watermark it. :barf: And, also, unless it's plastered over the whole image, people can crop it out if they really want to.

So, feel free to watermark away! No judgements here at all. :)
Not "putting on airs" at all... :thumbs: It's sometimes quite necessary, unfortunately, especially in this New World of online sharing. ...So, feel free to watermark away! No judgements here at all. :)

Of course I regularly steal Robert Lancaster 's work, and submit it to the Guggenheim under my own name - but as a general rule I think plagiarising images is exactly as unethical and abhorrent as plagiarising written work. And horribly disrespectful of the author's work and time and research/creativity.

And as far as I can tell, protection of the ownership of images shared online relies wholly on the ethics of the viewing public.. ? I've heard disquieting stories of people's visual art turning up in all kinds of strange places - and in all kinds of strange forms.

(And as you say, RoseCat , a watermark is no real impediment to those with evil intent - I have no trouble with Robert Lancaster 's :whistle: )
Thanks everyone for all the replies! I sometimes grab an image to use as wallpaper, but without fail I use A+ Signature to place the artist's/photographer's name on the image even though it's only used for my own enjoyment. If the artist/photographer is selling his images, then I think it's unethical for me to do even that!
Just my humble opinion. YMMV?
Of course I regularly steal Robert Lancaster 's work, and submit it to the Guggenheim under my own name - but as a general rule I think plagiarising images is exactly as unethical and abhorrent as plagiarising written work. And horribly disrespectful of the author's work and time and research/creativity.

And as far as I can tell, protection of the ownership of images shared online relies wholly on the ethics of the viewing public.. ? I've heard disquieting stories of people's visual art turning up in all kinds of strange places - and in all kinds of strange forms.

(And as you say, RoseCat , a watermark is no real impediment to those with evil intent - I have no trouble with Robert Lancaster 's :whistle: )

I try and watermark my images as unobtrusively as possible.
I also have no problems with people downloading or using my images for personal use.
But I would have a problem if someone started selling my work ;) ...
Not "putting on airs" at all... :thumbs: It's sometimes quite necessary, unfortunately, especially in this New World of online sharing. I've waivered back and forth - sometimes I don't want anything *extra* on the image, but really mostly I just always forget to watermark it. :barf: And, also, unless it's plastered over the whole image, people can crop it out if they really want to.

So, feel free to watermark away! No judgements here at all. :)

I agree, and don't mind if people wish to use my images for personal use, so try to make my Copyright notice unobtrusive. After all, having it so large and obtrusive that it ruins the image is probably somewhat counter productive. Just have to hope those who use the image have a sense of ethics, and don't try to profit from it.
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