Mobi365 Younger's Project 365 - 2021

Lovely friend from the UK sent flowers
Christmas app
Went for the first review with the surgeon, who’s happy with the progress. I’m quite swollen so it’s been a bit uncomfortable and if the swelling doesn’t go down as expected I will have to have an US done to see where and what is building up. Not concerned at this stage, nor is the surgeon (which is the main thing :D)
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Believe it or not, I haven’t had a single dose! I puke my brains out with opioids so can’t really have them. Fortunately the pain is not too bad so didn’t need anything very strong.
Good news. Hope everything is settling down at the right pace.
(Enforced lying down: Hope you can [soon] be comfortable enough that you can enjoy the rest
Happy to be home e en though the days are quite boring since I can barely move yet. Not a lot of creativity or opportunities for photos, but I’ll try!
This is a pair of undies getting ready for mischief, it seems
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View attachment 173971
Looks like the wall has eyes…….
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