Mobi366 Younger's project 366 - 2020

December 22
“Have a gay time this holiday season” :)
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Must be endemic to medical practices. I work in a large medical centre now, and every day either someone has baked something or bought something sweet (for 29 doctors, 2 psychs, 7 nurses, 20ish admin/IT people) or there’s a lunch meeting (with gourmet lunch cooked (*cooked*!!!) in the staff room by one of the medsecs. And a large fridge full of everything you could think of for lunch & snacks -provided for all of us. Oh and a Gaggia coffee machine. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Hope at least one of them is a metabolic syndrome specialist :confused:
Very cool :cool: I have never found that Christmas app you're using. Link please:whistle: I MUST collect all photo apps in App Store:D
Hope that works, I’ve never sent an app link before :)
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