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HipstaPaks 2021 Holidaypak


Real Name
Kent Kangley
Check your stocking (by which I mean the Hipstamart in Hipstamatic), because Hipstaclaus did not forget us this year. And it’s free!

Jack Frost. Style: Festive Greeting.
Add a festive greeting through frosted glass with this lens.

Jill Frost. Style: Heart
A simple message of love and kindness for the new year.

Here are a couple photos I took, both with the Ina’s 1982 film. Merry Christmas, everyone!

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With Dancer & RedEyeGel

My Hipsta app is acting wonky (or maybe it’s me…) I downloaded this freebie pak, it says it’s mine, but I can’t find it in the list. I also had to restore everything for some reason, but not everything is showing up. And I know there was a way to see all the lenses and films in a tiled format (or am I dreaming?) but I can’t get to that any more. I’m afraid Hipsta has become way too complicated. :barf:
My Hipsta app is acting wonky (or maybe it’s me…) I downloaded this freebie pak, it says it’s mine, but I can’t find it in the list. I also had to restore everything for some reason, but not everything is showing up. And I know there was a way to see all the lenses and films in a tiled format (or am I dreaming?) but I can’t get to that any more. I’m afraid Hipsta has become way too complicated. :barf:
It’s not a pak in the traditional sense. There are 2 lenses. Jack Frost and Jill Frost. They should show up at the end of your row of lenses.

to see them all tiled, just highlight lens in editing and press the search icon.
It’s not a pak in the traditional sense. There are 2 lenses. Jack Frost and Jill Frost. They should show up at the end of your row of lenses.

to see them all tiled, just highlight lens in editing and press the search icon.
Aha!! I was looking in Films… :rolleyes:

Found the lenses… but when I hit save the image didn’t get saved in my camera roll (I tried 3 times), nor in the Hipsta app. I’ve checked my settings… flummoxed.



Also, if I want to capture an image in the app, it seems I have to manually scroll through every lens/film to select one. Horrifying. But I guess there’s really no point in using it as a camera when you can edit with it.

EDIT: Okay, I closed out Hipsta and waited a few hours (because I was annoyed :rolleyes:) and tried again, and this time it worked. It took a loooong time to save where before it was just seconds, but it did actually save it.

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