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Animation Collaboration Project - Kids

Aaron Davis

Mobi Veteran
Hi Collaborators, I tried uploading Mansi's photos to this new thread without any luck. Will try again later.
Here is my edited version of image 1 (uploading from my iPhone)


Apps used: tiltshiftgen, touchretouch, blender, picgrunger, phototreats, snapseed and iris
Mansi Bhatia said:
Yay!!! You found a way to upload them!!! Thank you! :):thumbs:

Fourth time lucky! :) They look great animated, well done! Can't wait to see the collaborated, processed version.
I love that cheeky chappie smile in image 3 (bottom left)... :D

So I'll be giving that one a blast... :thumbs:

If that's okay with you guys... :alien:
Here we go then, simply SnapSeed and my first foray into the app and this awesome project... :thumbs:

A fantastic subject to work with too Mansi, a brilliant smile of mischief and fun I wanted to try and capitalise on... :D


From MiPhone4 via the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
Here's my take on image 2: processed first in Photoforge 2, then TiltShiftGenerator, then processed in Scratchcam, then processed in PhotoCopier, and then finished in PicGrunger.

May I have number 4 please? They are so cute and I've just noticed their slippers.

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Okay here's the two little darlings processed in Iris - Comic Scene effect and then Colour Sense


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LOVE LOVE LOVE everyone's edits!! These are my two very good friends' babies -- love babysitting these kiddos. Have such a blast every time. I become a three-year old again. Thanks for capturing their fun spirit in your processing. Love it!:thumbs:
You really get the sense of movement and liveliness in this sequence. Well done everyone.

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As you've jumped into the mix Jilly and Rog, you'll have to shoot a five pic sequence and upload it in projects for processing. :) cheers Aaron
Aaron Davis said:
As you've jumped into the mix Jilly and Rog, you'll have to shoot a five pic sequence and upload it in projects for processing. :) cheers Aaron


Already done mine matey... :D

From MiPad2 using the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
That's great Rog!

Here's what we have so far, I doubled the animation to make it go longer.

Awesome work Aaron, great potential coming to light and I, for one, hadn't realised how they were all going to hang together like this... :thumbs:

Brilliant work from Aaron and superb frame-by-frame processing by the collaborators... ;)

One or two sequences seem to run a bit too fast Aaron, it may be me but I prefer the slightly slower versions where you get a chance to view the individual frames but they are not that slow that you can still see the sequence unfolding, if that makes sense... :cool:

Would it be possible to load them all to YouTube so we can view them in thread Aaron... :D
Hi Rog, I try all different speeds when I create the animation, some don't look that good when they're too slow. I suggest you have a go mucking around with GifVid2 using images from the threads to get an idea.
I started a new conversation and was unable to select 6 people. Is there anyway around this?
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