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HipstaPaks FIRST FRIDAY - JUNE - Moab Hipstapak


Real Name
Kent Kangley
it’s taken ten years, but Hipstamatic finally makes it Moab, Utah, one of the most photogenic places in the United States. It is home to both the Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Slickrock refers to the Slickrock Trail which covers 10.5 miles of petrified sand dunes and the eroded remnants of ancient seabeds (and this is 5000 feet above the current sea level.) 191 likely refers to US Highway 191 which runs through the middle of Moab. Unfortunately I don’t know who Frank B is.

“Ancient eroded beauty”

Slickrock 191 film ”Style: Distressed and Processed. Rugged and worn, this film adds eroded beauty to your images.”

Frank B lens “Style: Warm tones. Go on an expedition to photograph the ancient beauty of Moab with this warm lens.”

Here are a few pics I took with it. There are no sample images on the Moab gear page yet.

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Hipstamatic has uploaded the sample photos to their gear page. All photos are by Mario Estrada. This is one of the more heavily distressed combos they’ve released in a long time. It will be interesting to see how they interact with other lenses and films.

Hipstamatic has uploaded the sample photos to their gear page. All photos are by Mario Estrada. This is one of the more heavily distressed combos they’ve released in a long time. It will be interesting to see how they interact with other lenses and films.

Its quite a radical pak, is it still relevant in 2021 I wonder?
Its quite a radical pak, is it still relevant in 2021 I wonder?
The original Hipsta Paks like the Jane and Innas films and the Bondi Pak, etc were in my opinion classics. Now I get the feeling they just do the “shake to randomise” and think “that looks good let’s sell it” .
I like the new pak, BUT, it needs some tweaking with sliders to work for me.
Slide the film all the way left to brighten your photo and/or play with exposure slider or use a flash like PopRox, Standard, Flamingo
That also helps reduce yellowish tones
Turn the texture down so it doesn’t look so distressed, over processed.
Shake to see changes in effects
Turning down the temperature may produce better looking skies
(Removing the border takes away all the texture effects

here are some photos from the quirky cemetery in Madrid, NM
I posted a lot of them on IG

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