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HipstaPaks FIRST FRIDAY - JUNE - Provincetown Hipstapak


Real Name
Kent Kangley
Provincetown is a small town at the very end of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. It is a popular vacation destination for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The pack comes with a lens and film. Its description is “June is for rainbows”. Unfortunately it is not yet available in the app, and there are no sample photos on the Hipstamatic gear page, so I have no idea how it looks yet.


Plymouth lens: A subtle color grade is all you need for perfect photos as the weather starts to heat up.

Sun 55 film: Rainbows, rainbows, everywhere!
Ahh - it was all going so well too. Another lazy addition to the Hipsta fold, with the Sun 55 film. It just plonks a disruptive rainbow light leak across the screen, to little effect.
Provincetown is a small town at the very end of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. It is a popular vacation destination for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The pack comes with a lens and film. Its description is “June is for rainbows”. Unfortunately it is not yet available in the app, and there are no sample photos on the Hipstamatic gear page, so I have no idea how it looks yet.

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Plymouth lens: A subtle color grade is all you need for perfect photos as the weather starts to heat up.
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Sun 55 film: Rainbows, rainbows, everywhere!
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Provincetown and Cape Cod are one of my most favorite places on the East Coast. :inlove: I may get the pak just because of that! :lol:

Edit: Just saw the samples - scratch that. Definitely not a pak I’d use. :cautious:
Hipstamatic has updated their gear page with sample photos.

Photo by Jeannete De Beauvoir

Photo by Jennifer Marcus

Photo by Mari Small
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