• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

HipstaPaks FIRST FRIDAY - MARCH - San Diego Hipstapak


Real Name
Kent Kangley
Hipstamatic is having a bit of fun with the Carmen Sandiego media franchise with this month’s San Diego Hipstapak. The Carmen 85 Lens refers to master thief Carmen Sandiego, introduced in an educational video game about geography in 1985 called “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?”. The Acme LT film refers to Acme, a secret crime-fighting organization dedicated to bringing her to justice. Surprisingly popular, the original video game launched several sequels, tv shows both animated and live action, and even a hit song by Rockapella. Do yourself a favor and watch the current series on Netflix. Beautiful animation, terrific voice acting, complex characters, a tense, compelling story, and a good dose of humor. Now that that unsolicited plug is out of the way, let’s take a look at this month’s Hipstapak.

Where in the World...

Dive into the deep with this low-brightness lens, and search for the secrets within.

This factory film adds streaks of light across your image. Found in San Diego.

I’ve actually got some photos to share for once.

Not getting much to work. But here are a couple shots taken in Red Cliff, CO

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