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Three steps to make a quick and simple abstract painting


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iPhone 14 Pro Max
Project Page
Kids’ art lessons/ ‘step-by-step guides’ aren’t for everyone. Myself, as part of the generation of children who, as Picasso bemoans,‘don’t remember they are artists’, I love them! because
1. I can understand them
2. 1. means I’ll usually ‘get it right’ and enjoy practising and
3. 1 & 2 give my own imagination something to kick off from.

I have collected a lot of kid art lessons and art games on this Pinterest board. I’d be delighted if you had some to add.

I’ve started
another board for links to digital collage sheets
(born of my frustration trying to move around elements in Mixerpiece). If you’d like to add some, let me know and I can add your name as an editor.

This one was done from my sickbed, so please forgive the multiple imperfections. Besides, it’s meant to be play. :mobibabe:


1. Divide your canvas with a squiggly line, marked sections or both. Squiggly line matched my energy levels.

2. Add two or three or four geometric shapes. I’ve done a square, a circle and a rectangle and a part-circle as an afterthought. Last time I did four circles of different sizes. You get the picture.

3. Have at it. Colour in, mask in textures, whatever. Masking bits of your favourite images is easy with those strong black lines, which of course can also be removed or softened or drawn over .

I broke the third step up into three to show that I did have some method in my feverish madness. To mask out the first few bits, I put the drawing over a colour wheel in Union. Then some texture from an old bg image. Then I looked for a plain colour to lift the image a bit.


At some point, you might notice you prefer one aspect or even one cropped piece. Or one cropped piece repeated four times in a collage. You get the picture :D

I would love to see your version of this ‘how to’ or another here :thumbs:
And if you have a quick’n’dirty map for trying a new art form, please share!

Kids’ art lessons/ ‘step-by-step guides’ aren’t for everyone. Myself, as part of the generation of children who, as Picasso bemoans,‘don’t remember they are artists’, I love them! because
1. I can understand them
2. 1. means I’ll usually ‘get it right’ and enjoy practising and
3. 1 & 2 give my own imagination something to kick off from.

I have collected a lot of kid art lessons and art games on this Pinterest board. I’d be delighted if you had some to add.

I’ve started
another board for links to digital collage sheets
(born of my frustration trying to move around elements in Mixerpiece). If you’d like to add some, let me know and I can add your name as an editor.

This one was done from my sickbed, so please forgive the multiple imperfections. Besides, it’s meant to be play. :mobibabe:

View attachment 145142

1. Divide your canvas with a squiggly line, marked sections or both. Squiggly line matched my energy levels.

2. Add two or three or four geometric shapes. I’ve done a square, a circle and a rectangle and a part-circle as an afterthought. Last time I did four circles of different sizes. You get the picture.

3. Have at it. Colour in, mask in textures, whatever. Masking bits of your favourite images is easy with those strong black lines, which of course can also be removed or softened or drawn over .

I broke the third step up into three to show that I did have some method in my feverish madness. To mask out the first few bits, I put the drawing over a colour wheel in Union. Then some texture from an old bg image. Then I looked for a plain colour to lift the image a bit.

View attachment 145141

At some point, you might notice you prefer one aspect or even one cropped piece. Or one cropped piece repeated four times in a collage. You get the picture :D

I would love to see your version of this ‘how to’ or another here :thumbs:
And if you have a quick’n’dirty map for trying a new art form, please share!

I will be trying this. And I followed the digital collage board. I seem to have more interests lately than time! Where is summer vacation???
I will be trying this. And I followed the digital collage board. I seem to have more interests lately than time! Where is summer vacation???

Can’t wait to see what you come up with, Star. And as for interests/time - I know I could be more efficient with my time. I seem to disappear a lot of time without anything much to show for it. (You know all those productivity apps lie, right?)

What’s your avatar on Pinterest? I’ll add you to the Board of Management subcommittee on digital collage
Can’t wait to see what you come up with, Star. And as for interests/time - I know I could be more efficient with my time. I seem to disappear a lot of time without anything much to show for it. (You know all those productivity apps lie, right?)

What’s your avatar on Pinterest? I’ll add you to the Board of Management subcommittee on digital collage
I’m not sure what the Board off Management subcommittee is, but as long as I don’t have to attend meetings, okay. I’m Star Greathouse as far as I can tell. I’m mostly an Instagrammer.
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