• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Coffee break

ric alexander

Mr. Patience
Real Name
ric alexander
iPhone 11
took this today while walking dogs near a small port.
Edited using affinity on iPad.
Thank you. I shot this from the hip, I get a little nervous when up close to people pointing a phone at them lol. If i post in the challenge this will show up twice on people's feeds tho.
The girl serving is looking directly at you, what a bad man :lol:
But that adds a certain something I guess. The challenge runs all week so wait a few days if you don't want your photo in peoples faces too much.
This is a really great image!
Thank you Lisa. I kid you not that affinity made something out of this. I thought it was quite bland before editing. The tonemapping, subtle mono conversion was a joy to use. I'm really starting to like his app. However I think several tools are not put in the obvious place but I enjoyed going out with both the iPhone 5s and the Moto g4 and just snapping away without people knowing what I was doing.
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