• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Hello Mobitog!


Real Name
Greg McMillan
iPhone Xs Max
I thought I'd write a proper introduction of myself since I'm going to be around here more often. It's a great community and I'm really liking it.

My name is Greg McMillan and I shoot with an iPhone. I have a feeling I'm older than most of you as I'm in my mid fifties but I have the mind of a thirty year old, and most days I don't act my age. I'm a Christian who is married to my best friend in the world. She keeps me grounded, lol.

I'm a commercial printer by trade at the same company I started with fresh out of high school. Working on a press in the printing industry has made me appreciate good colour accuracy, and I believe that has been an integral part of developing my photographic style.

I wrote an eBook about my transition from traditional to mobile photography but long story short, I'm loving the mobile stuff better than I did with a DSLR. I take a photographic approach to my mobile photography which is probably evident in my photos. I don't do any real heavy editing, just some subtle enhancements to reproduce the scene as I saw it when I took it. Sometimes I'll do something creative if I think the image calls for it, but generally it's more of a realistic approach.

As some of you may have seen here, I do a podcast where I interview members of another community called the Artful iPhotography Community (I host and admin to the community). The show is called the Artful iPhotography Interviews and our own Kevin Barrett was on the most recent episode because he is also a member of that community. I plan to interview some of the folks from here too!

In addition to the AiPC Interviews, I'm a co-host of the Tiny Shutter Podcast, a show that's been around for almost 8 years. I've been on it for a little over two years now. Tiny Shutter is iPhone-centric (we're all iPhone users) but we do try to include Android stuff when we can.

I'll cap this off by saying that one of the things I love most about mobile photography is the relationships with others that have developed over the years. There's just something about us that Is special. I'm sure most mobile shooters practice traditional photography too, but when someone has a real appreciation for the mobile side, well, that just makes it all the better.

The attached photo is one of my first “best” shots from my earliest days of mobile photography.
I thought I'd write a proper introduction of myself since I'm going to be around here more often. It's a great community and I'm really liking it.

My name is Greg McMillan and I shoot with an iPhone. I have a feeling I'm older than most of you as I'm in my mid fifties but I have the mind of a thirty year old, and most days I don't act my age. I'm a Christian who is married to my best friend in the world. She keeps me grounded, lol.

I'm a commercial printer by trade at the same company I started with fresh out of high school. Working on a press in the printing industry has made me appreciate good colour accuracy, and I believe that has been an integral part of developing my photographic style.

I wrote an eBook about my transition from traditional to mobile photography but long story short, I'm loving the mobile stuff better than I did with a DSLR. I take a photographic approach to my mobile photography which is probably evident in my photos. I don't do any real heavy editing, just some subtle enhancements to reproduce the scene as I saw it when I took it. Sometimes I'll do something creative if I think the image calls for it, but generally it's more of a realistic approach.

As some of you may have seen here, I do a podcast where I interview members of another community called the Artful iPhotography Community (I host and admin to the community). The show is called the Artful iPhotography Interviews and our own Kevin Barrett was on the most recent episode because he is also a member of that community. I plan to interview some of the folks from here too!

In addition to the AiPC Interviews, I'm a co-host of the Tiny Shutter Podcast, a show that's been around for almost 8 years. I've been on it for a little over two years now. Tiny Shutter is iPhone-centric (we're all iPhone users) but we do try to include Android stuff when we can.

I'll cap this off by saying that one of the things I love most about mobile photography is the relationships with others that have developed over the years. There's just something about us that Is special. I'm sure most mobile shooters practice traditional photography too, but when someone has a real appreciation for the mobile side, well, that just makes it all the better.

The attached photo is one of my first “best” shots from my earliest days of mobile photography.View attachment 155070
Welcome :)
mcmillan - Hello again Greg, welcome once more to the Global Mobile Photography Community that is MobiTog, we are very pleased you decided to join us... :D

Once again, If you should need any assistance at all figuring anything MobiTog, just shout up, everyone here is so very helpful, we do hope you will continue to enjoy and contribute to your new family of likewise addicted Mobile Photographers... :rog:
I have a feeling I'm older than most of you as I'm in my mid fifties but I have the mind of a thirty year old, and most days I don't act my age.
Probably not, most of us don't act our age either. :D

That's a beautiful photo, too. With your eye for color, I'm wondering if you shoot much b/w and if so, whether you can judge ahead of time how colors will translate to mono. It's something that eludes me, even though I do quite a bit of b/w.
I have a feeling I'm older than most of you as I'm in my mid fifties but I have the mind of a thirty year old, and most days I don't act my age.
Sounds like a lot of us here... myself included! :lol:
I'm loving the mobile stuff better than I did with a DSLR.
Me too...once I discovered mobile photography with my iPhone 3GS, that was all she wrote! Having the ability to shoot & edit in the palm of my hand, wherever I am, is priceless.
one of the things I love most about mobile photography is the relationships with others that have developed over the years. There's just something about us that Is special.
Absolutely! I’ve made some dear friends through the mobile photography platform and here on MobiTog, and have been blessed with many face-to-face meetups. :inlove:
The attached photo is one of my first “best” shots from my earliest days of mobile photography.
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