• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Hi from the frozen wastelands...


Mobi Veteran
Real Name
Larry Zasitko
iPad (Generic)
Hi, I am Larry. Live in Regina with my wonderfully wife of 37 years, three great kids (all thankfully do not live with us anymore). Both my wife and I are semi-retired so we can sometimes sit back and enjoy thing more. I have many interests including reading, cars and photography.

My journey in photography started with my father who gave me a slr when I was 11 or 12. He took a lot of pictures and for a few years has a small darkroom. Over the years I kept getting better and better slr's and set up my own darkroom. I was for a number of years in the Sport Car Club (had, well still have, a 1964 Austin Mini that got rebuilt into a Cooper S) raced a bit and took thousands of pictures, at that time mostly B+W that I developed and printed. I took wedding pictures for a number of years.

I got offered a 645 and at the time didn't have the money to buy it even though it was what I thought was a great deal. A few years later I came across a Mamiya 645 and three lens for a decent price so I bought it. Used that daily for a lot of years until the local place that developed and printed jacked the prices so high that it became cheaper to save the rolls and once I had 10 or so send them off to Toronto. At that time I didn't have space for a darkroom, with 3 teens in the house.

Once digital cameras started showing up I bought one and over the years and still today I have a decent little one around. I sold the Mamiya (still regret that a bit) but I still have some of my favourite 35mm cameras, a couple of Contax slr's, a Contax G2 package with all the lens and a couple Rollei 35's.

I couple of years ago I bought an iPad 2 and took some pictures with it but the lens in it was not really good has been alright for casual pictures. My wife currently has an iPhone 3GS that she uses and in the next few months is going to get a new iPhone and I bought an iPad 3 last June. I use it for pictures fairly often, had set it and the iPad 3 up and videoed my wife's sisters wedding. Since then I find I use it quite a bit for pictures and have been pretty happy with the quality.

Lately my interests have turned more and more to HDR and I have found some apps, bought some on sale etc. but have not yet had a lot of time to get out (well it being -30 or so doesn't help) but now that the weather is improving. I bought both 645 Pro and PureShot (thanks to Michael Hardaker for these great apps) and am playing with them. I will continue with the iPad and am looking forward to getting the better iPhone. I find with the current phone and both iPad's that I am using the digital cameras less, mostly because both my wife and I always have the iPhone and generally both iPad's along. We both really like being able to take a picture and looking at them right away on the iPad screens, where as the digital has a 3" screen and I have to download the pictures to the desktop then put them on the iPad.

When I was looking for more info on 645 Pro I found this site and AppWhisperer and a couple others, so here I am....

If you have bothered to read this far my hats off to you, I can be a bit wordy from time to time...

Larry Zasitko
Larry, thank you for a wonderful intro and another warm welcome to MobiTog. I'm sure we'll help you achieve digital nirvana with the iPhone and iPad.

Like you, I started out in the dear old analogue days and moved quickly into digital, finding an incredible creative opportunity with the iPhone and its multitude of apps. I hope you'll take some inspiration from our amazingly talented members. You're welcome to post any images originated on an iPhone/iPad in our many forums and challenges. And if you have any questions just ask, you'll soon find help. :)
@ Robert, your in Summer down there if I recall right, so yes probably a lot warmer although today here has been a great day.
My wife's 58th birthday. I took her to the bank and paid off the last of our mortgage ( will be the first time in our marriage that we will not have a mortgage). Went shopping which does me in, my bad knees can't put up walking on concrete for long but are home and my son who loves to cook brought supper over for us. Pretty neat son if I have to say so, he is a certified mechanic for cars and pretty much anything else and he really likes to cook so sometimes if we are out you come home and food is either on the stove or in the frig and he is always trying something new. Weather today is a fantastic +2c and sunny and for a change little wind, had to take my coat off as I was getting too warm...
Hi Larry and welcome to Mobitog! It's a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to seeing your images.
Hey Larry and a very warm welcome to the iPhoneography (and iPad) addicted Community that is your new MobiTog family, it is great to have you join us from Regina... ;)

If I am not mistaken you have probably just taken the crown for the most comprehensive and entertaining opening thread in our Welcome Section, ever... :)

A brilliant introduction sir and a great way to kick off your entrance to the MobiFamily, if you don't mind me saying... :rog:

We hope you enjoy our humble offerings and will help spread the MobiWord among your iPhoneography addicted friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know, together let's spread the MobiLurve around the globe... :D
Hi Larry! I have to agree with Venomator that your opening remarks have definitely set a new standard here. :sneaky: :coffee: Your story is a familiar one here... lots of pre-SLR, DSLR peeps who have found the magic and joy of mobile photography and have never looked back!

Here's some information that might prove useful as you learn your way around our wonderful community:


The Community is set out in four main areas we call Sections - there is...

Community - where we Welcome everyone, post announcements and take in suggestions and comments.
Image Sharing - self evident really and broken down into self-explanatory sub-sections to make it easy to post and find topic related iPhoneography.
iPhoneography Discussion - for all non-iMage posting type conversations and discussion about most things iPhoneography.
Members Area - where only MobiMembers can access and discuss stuff not for public consumption - all our Top Secret stuff goes in here... :whistle:

If you have any questions be sure to give us a shout out! :D
Wow, I just realized that I've been on here a month, my how time fly's.... :D
Wow, I just realized that I've been on here a month, my how time fly's.... :D
Wow!! :D

We're so happy you're part of our MobiFamily Larry! It's been wonderful getting to know you and seeing your photos. :)
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