• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Total newbie thrown to the lions

ric alexander

Mr. Patience
Real Name
ric alexander
iPhone 11
Ok, Just saying hello. Ive briefly dabbled with photography but in no way learnt anything as such to do with the photography rulebook etc. As i cannot afford the latest and greatest ive just recently aquired an iphone 4 with the sole aim to take up photography.
Having apps and camera, eliminating the need to use my linux laptop to edit photos is so appealing. I have literally just done a few snaps to test which has immediately resulted in confusion that images look quite different on phone and laptop but thats to be expected i suppose.
Anyway, enough dribbling from me. I hope i can be accepted as a complete novice. Im hoping, after reading a little on apps, and other photographers, that my lack of knowledge can somehow give an individual style to my work and that i can produce something half decent.
Hope to speak to some of you soon.......Now to find something to photograph.
@ric alexander - Hi Ric and a very warm welcome to the Global Mobile Photography Community that is MobiTog, it is great to have you join us... :D

We are all dabblers here too and excited to have you join us, we will look forward to sharing your Mobile Photography/iPhoneography experiences, we embrace all levels and abilities here at MobiTog... ;)

@RoseCat will be along shortly to give you some pointers, I'm sure, but the best advice is to just leap right in and join in anywhere and everywhere you fancy we are quite a friendly bunch really... ;)

Hopefully, you will enjoy our humble offerings and will then spread the word to all of your Mobile Photography addicted friends, family, colleagues and everyone else you can think of to help us share the MobiLurve around the globe... :inlove:

Oh, and if you have a minute, please do drop your location pin on the MobiMap, under the Members tab at the top of the page in browser view... ;)

If you need any assistance on anything MobiTog, or Mobile Photography generally, just shout up, everyone here is so very helpful... :rog:
Thank you @Darren@RI and @Venomator.
Think i made my first mistake before taking any shots, Downloaded a few apps, maybe too many to start with.

Updated location on mobimap and shall have a look through the site to see which way this works. Hopefully will be active very soon, Still searching for tutorials right now.
Welcome to MobiTog Ric! So glad to have you here! :D As Russ said, just have fun and forget about the rest... You've found the absolutely perfect and welcoming place to learn, grow and discover. :thumbs:

And...you can NEVER have too many apps, IMO. :sneaky: :coffee: Have you grabbed up Hipstamatic yet? One of my all-time faves, especially when you're getting your feet wet.

Here's some information that might prove useful as you find your way around our wonderful community:

The MobiTog Community is set out in four main areas or sections:

Here we welcome everyone, post announcements and take in your suggestions and comments.

Image Sharing
Self-explanatory and broken down into sub-sections clearly named to make it easy to find a topic of your choice. It is here that you post your images.

iPhoneography Discussion
For general conversations and discussions about all things iphoneography-related.

Members Area
An exclusive MobiMembers-only section. Feel free to discuss things with other members - and find out about Top Secret stuff not for public consumption!

Important note: Please remember that only images originated on a mobile device (iOS or Android) can be posted to this community. No pictures created on a DSLR or compact camera are allowed.

Lastly, if you have any questions on anything at all be sure to give us a shout out!
Thank you @Darren@RI and @Venomator.
Think i made my first mistake before taking any shots, Downloaded a few apps, maybe too many to start with.

Updated location on mobimap and shall have a look through the site to see which way this works. Hopefully will be active very soon, Still searching for tutorials right now.
Downloading Apps is never a mistake Ric, as @RoseCat has said, you can never have too many... :D

Although, I can understand how it may seem a bit daunting at first, you will soon get the hang of what works for you!... ;)

As Cat suggested, Hipstamatic is a brilliant entry into Camera Replacement Apps, especially with its Shake 'n Take randomised combination function - we have an entire Section dedicated to Hstamatic and some rather popular Challenges that you might want to simply get stuck into, you will be welcomed to them... :)

As for tutorials, there are plenty here on MobiTog just flip through the Tutorial Section to check them out - you can always use the Search function for items of specific interest too... :sneaky:

Aside from enjoying the process, just jump right in anywhere on MobiTog and if you want help, or need to understand something a bit better, just ask away, seriously, we were all novices once and none of us stop learning, but the one thing we all have in common is our passion for using our mobile phones for photography!... :rog:
Ok, Just saying hello. Ive briefly dabbled with photography but in no way learnt anything as such to do with the photography rulebook etc. As i cannot afford the latest and greatest ive just recently aquired an iphone 4 with the sole aim to take up photography.
Having apps and camera, eliminating the need to use my linux laptop to edit photos is so appealing. I have literally just done a few snaps to test which has immediately resulted in confusion that images look quite different on phone and laptop but thats to be expected i suppose.
Anyway, enough dribbling from me. I hope i can be accepted as a complete novice. Im hoping, after reading a little on apps, and other photographers, that my lack of knowledge can somehow give an individual style to my work and that i can produce something half decent.
Hope to speak to some of you soon.......Now to find something to photograph.
Ha, *just* my type of photographer! Can I be your friend? :)
I'm new here too & I think this has to be the most genuinely friendly online community I've encountered. I think this comes from a genuine love of mobile photography which has a genuine interest in sharing the love, sotospeak :)
So far I've noticed a range of talent and experience from, um..,*me* to professional awarded published etc photographers - but I haven't yet noticed any differences in the acceptance encouragement and delight in all offerings :)
Look fwd to seeing yours :)
Hi, Ric. A warm welcome to MobiTog - yours days as a 'complete novice' are nearly over. No one who really enjoys mobitography can spend more than five minutes here without learning a lot, quickly. You are surrounded by friendly, helpful people who will have the answers to almost any question you ask - so ask, often. :)

Browse the forums, post a few images and get involved with some of our world-famous challenges. And if it's apps you want just check out the latest Weekend Bargains list posted on the Apps Discussion forum. It will both inform and save you money. :D
Thank you @Darren@RI and @Venomator.
Think i made my first mistake before taking any shots, Downloaded a few apps, maybe too many to start with.

Updated location on mobimap and shall have a look through the site to see which way this works. Hopefully will be active very soon, Still searching for tutorials right now.
Ric can I share my first tutorial, offered by a prof photographer friend? : 'Look through that hole, press that button. Repeat.'
Ha, *just* my type of photographer! Can I be your friend? :)
I'm new here too & I think this has to be the most genuinely friendly online community I've encountered. I think this comes from a genuine love of mobile photography which has a genuine interest in sharing the love, sotospeak :)
So far I've noticed a range of talent and experience from, um..,*me* to professional awarded published etc photographers - but I haven't yet noticed any differences in the acceptance encouragement and delight in all offerings :)
Why thank you, Jen. I have a theory as to why this is. Professional DSLR photographers have to lug so much heavy kit around with them they become exceedingly grumpy people. MobiTographers, alternatively, just have to slip a smartphone into their pockets loaded with a few decent apps and they're good to go. This makes them happy, smiley people ready to help their fellow mobile photographers without a second thought. At least that's my opinion. ;) :lol:
Why thank you, Jen. I have a theory as to why this is. Professional DSLR photographers have to lug so much heavy kit around with them they become exceedingly grumpy people. MobiTographers, alternatively, just have to slip a smartphone into their pockets loaded with a few decent apps and they're good to go. This makes them happy, smiley people ready to help their fellow mobile photographers without a second thought. At least that's my opinion. ;) :lol:
Works for me, Richard :)
Ha, *just* my type of photographer! Can I be your friend? :)
I'm new here too & I think this has to be the most genuinely friendly online community I've encountered. I think this comes from a genuine love of mobile photography which has a genuine interest in sharing the love, sotospeak :)
So far I've noticed a range of talent and experience from, um..,*me* to professional awarded published etc photographers - but I haven't yet noticed any differences in the acceptance encouragement and delight in all offerings :)
Look fwd to seeing yours :)
Thank you so very much! It really makes me happy to hear you say that you think we are the "most genuinely friendly online community", because that is exactly what we strive for and one of the things I'm most proud about MobiTog. :inlove:
Why thank you, Jen. I have a theory as to why this is. Professional DSLR photographers have to lug so much heavy kit around with them they become exceedingly grumpy people. MobiTographers, alternatively, just have to slip a smartphone into their pockets loaded with a few decent apps and they're good to go. This makes them happy, smiley people ready to help their fellow mobile photographers without a second thought. At least that's my opinion. ;) :lol:
:D :thumbs: :lol:
Blimey!!!!!! Look at all these friendly people, And, Not a Lion in sight!!!!!!! Hopefully tonight i can browse the site and learn how to post a first photo i took today, which just so happens to be naff cos i was scared stiff of a phone being a camera LOL!

What i have noticed, is that there seems to be another ric alexander, not 20 miles from me who does photography.This could be confusing if anyone manages to find images from this person. I have always called myself ric due to my middle name being richard, Maybe for photograph purposes i should revert to my true first name?
Thanks @ValeriGail @lisamjw @Robert Lancaster.
I am sooo hooked in here.

@Robert Lancaster . Ive been reading up on the 4S and it seems, for photography, with the extra pixels, this could be a more affordable upgrade from the 4. I make no secret that a 5s, at the moment, is just not financially possible for me at this time. I will have a little more fun with my humble 4 for now though
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