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A Faerie Tale, written by MobiPeeps


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iPhone 14 Pro Max
Project Page
I thought it would be fun to add a story to this photo - a MobiFaerieTale! One person will type in a line... then the next person would continue the story with another line, etc. etc.


Once upon a time....
...there was a little Faerie who wanted to fly.
But, no-one had told her she needed special powers for that...
So she set off in search of these special powers
Lotus seed pods whispered that fine gold dust powers lay beyond the ordinary.
These words could only mean that she must search for the extraordinary.
But, where to begin?
E-Seetah waited for the magic hour; when the moon smiled and the stars danced in the sky to begin her journey
It seemed it would never arrive but, eventually, the sky lightened the horizon and the birds and animals began their daily foraging, the Magic Hour had arrived...
E-Seetah knew a faerie walking on the forest floor was a dangerous thing, so she climb a Vineer bush that grew throughout the forest and scurried onto one of its leaves. She paused for a moment and turned around, her family and friends were flying around in the distant. She would miss them, but this was the only way - so hopping from leaf to leaf through the forest her journey began. Things were going well until...
... the light appeared behind the leaves. The light grew brighter and brighter. E-Seetah shivered in fear and all of a sudden felt very cold. After while a calming warmth enveloped her and she decided to be brave and peer out through the veil of leaves. The fear was gone in an instant and a warm radiance flowed over her.

The Mother is here.
But, no-one had told her she needed special powers for that...

Great idea Cat and a super iMage to illustrate it to start... ;)

A suggestion, you can totally ignore of course, but howsabout adding each line to your original as you go? Would make it easier to keep up with the story for MobiPeeps... :rog:

And the odd illustration along the way would be awesome, you could make it into a book at... :)

Excellent idea Rog!! So MobiPeeps, if you scroll up you'll see the story in it's entirety. Please still post your replies here and I'll move them...
It seemed it would never arrive but, eventually, the sky lightened the horizon and the birds and animals began their daily foraging, the Magic Hour had arrived...

Could ave been worse D, might have ended up iSeetah... :D
E-Seetah knew a faerie walking on the forest floor was a dangerous thing, so she climb a Vineer bush that grew throughout the forest and scurried onto one of its leaves. She paused for a moment and turned around, her family and friends were flying around in the distant. She would miss them, but this was the only way - so hopping from leaf to leaf through the forest her journey began. Things were going well until...
... until the light appeared behind the leaves. The light grew brighter and brighter. E-Seetah shivered in fear and all of a sudden felt very cold. After while a calming warmth enveloped her and she decided to be brave and peer out through the veil of leaves. The fear was gone in an instant and a warm radiance flowed over her.

The Mother is here.
I thought it would be fun to add a story to this photo - a MobiFaerieTale! One person will type in a line... then the next person would continue the story with another line, etc. etc.


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This was absolutely fabulous!!! I wrote a fairy short story a few years ago for a writing class I was taking. I was inspired after I saw your images to re-visit the story and hope to create some images for it.
Thanks for the inspiration from all of you!!
This was absolutely fabulous!!! I wrote a fairy short story a few years ago for a writing class I was taking. I was inspired after I saw your images to re-visit the story and hope to create some images for it.
Thanks for the inspiration from all of you!!
Awesome! Hope you will share with us when you are ready.
This was absolutely fabulous!!! I wrote a fairy short story a few years ago for a writing class I was taking. I was inspired after I saw your images to re-visit the story and hope to create some images for it.
Thanks for the inspiration from all of you!!
Feel free to post up any faerie images here to compliment the story! :D
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