
Wonderful Carol!! What a beautiful abstract! :inlove:

(Hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of moving it to our Appstract forum!)
Not that I've ever been strung out :) don't get the wrong idea that this is from personal experience... Rather the opposite, I have never had the inclination to try drugs, don't smoke, I do drink but I can count on one hand the number of times I've gone overboard with that... :)
Not that I've ever been strung out :) don't get the wrong idea that this is from personal experience... Rather the opposite, I have never had the inclination to try drugs, don't smoke, I do drink but I can count on one hand the number of times I've gone overboard with that... :)
I'm the same. Except I've only tasted liquor twice. Didn't care much for it.
Most liquor is pretty harsh. Years and years ago I bought 3 oak barrels from a place that was shutting down. You put a couple gallons of distilled water in them, seal them and every week or so you roll the barrel a bit. After 6 months you try it and if you like it then you filter it and bottle it. The stuff was the best, tested as high as most store bought but very very smooth and none of the bite of the store bought. Unfortunately at the time I gave almost all of it away. Now you can't find the barrels any more. Normally I have an occasional beer when my son comes over.
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