• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

At the gallery1


SlowShutter Cam, Snapseed, PhotoCopier, AltPhoto, DistressedFX
This is a stunner Veevs! :)
This looks like it should be on the wall with the other paintings. I'm thinking of a particular painter .. Name escapes me for now - but so reminiscent .. Do you paint and/or draw as well as photograph, Vivi? For me, all the pieces I've seen of yours scream 'artist at work'!
This looks like it should be on the wall with the other paintings. I'm thinking of a particular painter .. Name escapes me for now - but so reminiscent .. Do you paint and/or draw as well as photograph, Vivi? For me, all the pieces I've seen of yours scream 'artist at work'!

Hiya thanks so much for your lovely comments. Nope, I don't/can't paint at all!
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