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Filterstorm question formatting square pic


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I want to use this program to adjust the shape of my ipics to fit into the square format. I'm stumped at what setting I should use. Any help would be appreciated.
Hiya Elona... ;)

You have two choices in FilterStrom:

Load your iMage into FilterStorm...

You can use the Crop facility, which is probably easiest - just select Canvas icon (that's the icon with two little opposing set squares with the diagonal line through them, just under the camera icon on the left side)...

Then select Crop and in the bottom left click on 'Original' and select the 1:1 option in the pop up box - this will keep any crop you do in the square format proportions... :thumbs:

You could also use the same Canvas icon, but this time choose Scale to Fit > Scale buttons and then key in the size you wish to scale your iMage to... :)

Hope that helps get you started, but experimenting should help you choose a preferred methodology... :D
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