• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Google+ Invites - anyone want one?


Real Name
iPhone 11 Pro
Any mobimembers want a google+ invite?

Or is anyone on there already? Add me - Matt Cooper :)
I'll have to have the one you never sent Matt... :sneaky:

Although did you say Google members do not need invites now... :cool:
Apparently it is open now - have sent you another via the official route this time. They can take up to about 4 hours to come through.

Have to say it looks very good. Please be aware there is some contention about image rights so it may be worth not posting any images direct to there until they have ironed it out :)
Sorted... :D ...but it has only added you as 'By E-mail'... :mad:
Aye - sorry - been having a tidy up - making me a specific google account for it...
Ooo, yes please! Been following the Google+ news closely. It could be useful to MobiTog! :thumbs:
richardcb said:
Ooo, yes please! Been following the Google+ news closely. It could be useful to MobiTog! :thumbs:

Do you mean like FaceBook style useful there Richard?

We are currently investigating ourselves, but would love to hear your take on it... :D

From MiPad2 using the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
Sent Richard :)

Will reply to your convo in the am :thumbs:

Look forward to seeing you on there sir.
Do you mean like FaceBook style useful there Richard?

Yes, especially with the Circles and Hangout features. It seems designed for group communications whereas FB is more of an open platform. If you ever get a chance check out TWiT (seriously!), they did a whole show in it.
The TWiT show I mentioned is on YouTube here. Well worth a look if you're curious about Google+ or want to get an idea of its potential, especially for groups like this.
Thanks Richard, will check that out later... :D

From MiPhone via the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
No prob, Rog. Allow a good hour or more - it's a l-o-n-g show. :)
richardcb said:
No prob, Rog. Allow a good hour or more - it's a l-o-n-g show. :)

Right, ta for that... :eek:

That'll be a weekend job then... :D

From MiPhone via the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
richardcb said:
No prob, Rog. Allow a good hour or more - it's a l-o-n-g show. :)

Indeed it was... :eek: ...interesting in places and a bit (very) slow and not in others... :D

From MiPhone4 via the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
Click the link above, and then 'View In Itunes' on the RHS.

I dont think they have the keywords setup right in the app store yet - or are releasing in a controlled fashion.
Doh! :eek:

You might have mentioned that you had to put that URL into iPhone Safari browser. :p
I'm on Google Plus too - my email if anyone wants to add me (would like to have a MobiTog circle to share snaps with!) is marquischacha [at] gmail [dotcom]
Just tried to add you, Robert, but 'marquischacha' doesn't seem to find you - unless your real name is Justin. :)
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