• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Gotta dance


Real Name
Victoria Martin
Noir ,lightbox,toycamera,tailfins and dyptic , found it hard shooting in the semi dark and the subject moving too ,but I still love it , shame It was so dark the stage wasn't obvious when I snapped the pics !
Lovely dreamy feel to this quadtych Vix... :thumbs: ...a great effort to take such good images with the iPhone in the near dark, not one of its strong points... :confused:
Assume you used Diptych for the quadtych? :cool:
I actually LOVE the darkness! It gives it a real Black Swan sort of a feel and puts the viewer into the wings of the stage!

Super work Vix! :thumbs:
It was a wonderful experience being with the dancers just wish I could have done them justice as their poses and leaps were beautiful ,maybe next time ,think my Issy is hooked ! thanks guys !:)
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