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Help Required with Iris

Robert Lancaster

Mobi Veteran
Real Name
Robert Lancaster
Greetings MobiPeeps,

Does anyone know if there is a good video tutorial somewhere on using the layering and masking modes in Iris? The ones I have found on YouTube have all been for very old versions of Iris.

I have previously got some really, really good info from RoseCat and Delta but am really struggling to apply this information in practice. I cannot seem to transition from the written explanations to the practical implementations.

Thanks in advance,
Robert Lancaster said:
Greetings MobiPeeps,

Does anyone know if there is a good video tutorial somewhere on using the layering and masking modes in Iris? The ones I have found on YouTube have all been for very old versions of Iris.

I have previously got some really, really good info from RoseCat and Delta but am really struggling to apply this information in practice. I cannot seem to transition from the written explanations to the practical implementations.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Robert did you check out my tutorial on theappwhisperer ?

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Hi Robert did you check out my tutorial on theappwhisperer ?

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Hi Veevs, yes I did but the tutorial is still a bit too high level. I need a sort of "Idiot's Guide" or a video tutorial to show me which of the little steps which are oft overlooked I am missing. I follow the tutorial and produce results but when I try again later on one of my own images everything goes pear-shaped. Last night after an hour or two of masking an image ... nothing was happening. The mask I had painstakingly created for applying effects was doing nothing. I am very new to this kind of graphical work and I suppose there are certain steps of techniques that you may have overlooked but of which I am blissfully unaware. I can mask and overlay in ImageBlender perfectly, but for some or other reason I cannot seem to get anything right in Iris.
Thanks for the info Veevs.
Thanks for the offer Veevs! :)
The image is this one below. What I was trying to do was to load this image into Iris and apply some of the effects and textures (like the cracked plate) to the daisy in particular. I then applied various textures to the whole image until I was happy with how the cracked daisy looked with the texture.
This is now where things went wrong.
I set the current image as the base layer and then reloaded the original image. What I wanted to do was mask out the daisy in the original image so that the cracked and textured daisy showed through. I tried seriously for about two to three hours to get this to work but had absolutely no success.
Thanks for the offers to help. I really appreciate it.

No probs leave it with me as am at work and have a guest staying til the weekend

Sent from my iPad using MobiTog
Greetings MobiPeeps,

Does anyone know if there is a good video tutorial somewhere on using the layering and masking modes in Iris? The ones I have found on YouTube have all been for very old versions of Iris.

I have previously got some really, really good info from RoseCat and Delta but am really struggling to apply this information in practice. I cannot seem to transition from the written explanations to the practical implementations.

Thanks in advance,


Here are my top (5) tutorials from Mobi peeps on the appwhisperer :D hope they help

Robert Lancaster said:
Thanks for the offer Veevs! :)
The image is this one below. What I was trying to do was to load this image into Iris and apply some of the effects and textures (like the cracked plate) to the daisy in particular. I then applied various textures to the whole image until I was happy with how the cracked daisy looked with the texture.
This is now where things went wrong.
I set the current image as the base layer and then reloaded the original image. What I wanted to do was mask out the daisy in the original image so that the cracked and textured daisy showed through. I tried seriously for about two to three hours to get this to work but had absolutely no success.
Thanks for the offers to help. I really appreciate it.

When you have set first image as base and added filters to it etc - then you reload original image - do you set that one as blend with image? Then you can blend it and ad more filters to it then work on the mask?

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When you have set first image as base and added filters to it etc - then you reload original image - do you set that one as blend with image? Then you can blend it and ad more filters to it then work on the mask?

Sent from my iPad using MobiTog

Sort of :) I want to load the original image and then mask out the daisy so that the one from the base layer show through.
i can also help Robert! so Veevs if you need a water break throw me in coach lol
I use Iris A LOT, but interestingly never tried layering! I use the mask feature to add their filters to areas of a photo, but haven't tried layering/masking 2 photos in a very long time.

I seem to remember trying it when I first got the app and couldn't figure it out.... Since discovering Image Blender that's what I always use.

Will try it again maybe... :thumbs:

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Hey guys I just updated the iris review from my book iPhone Obsessed but iris is not the best with layers if you have an iPad check out the developers other app laminar !
Here is my review: http://marcolinaslate.com/obsessed/IrisStudio
Hey Dan and a very warm welcome to THE Original iPhoneography Community that is MobiTog, it is great to have you join us and participate in our discussions... ;)

Thanks for your input to this discussion, please feel free to give your fellow MobiMembers the benefit of your experience in other areas... :)

And if you fancy introducing yourself to the community it would be great if you popped over to the Welcome Section when you have a minute or so to spare... :D
Looking at Veevs tutorial will that allow me to take an artistic or painterly type image that I created and blend it with a copy of the actual starting image to get a toned down version of the painterly type image? I downloaded Glaze but it seems that their effects are a bit over the top and I'm trying to find the best way layer mask and blend using opacity settings. I use Photoshop but it seems every iPhone app works completely counter intuitively to PS. I'm with Robert, idiot's guide for me!!!!
Dan, I bought App Alchemy, and it is quite wonderful.
Robert, I am on hold with Apple.
I use Laminar, I wondered if I should lust for Iris.
Looking at Veevs tutorial will that allow me to take an artistic or painterly type image that I created and blend it with a copy of the actual starting image to get a toned down version of the painterly type image? I downloaded Glaze but it seems that their effects are a bit over the top and I'm trying to find the best way layer mask and blend using opacity settings. I use Photoshop but it seems every iPhone app works completely counter intuitively to PS. I'm with Robert, idiot's guide for me!!!!

Hi Gareth, correct! That is what I do. I create my painterly or glaze filters (several of them) and then start blending them (you can blend either with Iris or with blender). I use the masking functions to remove areas where the filters are too strong so that I can let part of the original image come through. If I remove too much I can then use the eraser to bring them back in.

I tend to have my painterly or glazed filter image set as the base and then I add the original and set that one to blend with base.

Hope this helps, if not let me know. I think I covered all the steps in full on my tutorial in TheAppWhisperer.

Robert so sorry I just realised I never got back to you with your original request :oops: - do you still need help?
I use Iris A LOT, but interestingly never tried layering! I use the mask feature to add their filters to areas of a photo, but haven't tried layering/masking 2 photos in a very long time.

I seem to remember trying it when I first got the app and couldn't figure it out.... Since discovering Image Blender that's what I always use.

Will try it again maybe... :thumbs:

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One thing to remember when you layer in Iris is to make sure you adjust both layers to the same size. There is a section of that on my tutorial : http://theappwhisperer.com/2012/03/...o-recreate-veevs-feed-us-pastel-styled-image/

As for Laminar, am totally clueless with that app! Have given up trying to master it which is why I stick with Iris! I really hope the Developers start improving the file size for Iris as they keep promising us all these exciting updates which never materialise!!
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