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Houses of Parliament different view


Grunged up again! Took photo with ProHDR, added effect with Snapseed, another one with AutoPainterII, blended several times with Iris and sharpened with PerfectPhoto

Houses of Parliament_resize.jpg
That's a rarely seen angle on Parliament. Really nice job, Veevs.
I just love the composition on this and the processing is some of the best I have seen to date ;) would have liked to see the tops of the spires, probably over critical though ;)
Agree with both previous comments, superb composition, great perspective and sympathetic processing all combine to give this the wow factor Veevs... :thumbs:

Also agree about spire tips too... :D

From MiPhone4 via the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
LOL thanks guys, taking your comments about the spires on board - in my defense I had to put my iphone through the railings and stand on tiptoes to get the shot ;)
Well that makes it all the more Impressive to me as really think you have set the bar high on this one ;) like I said I was maybe being a little hyper critical anyway ;)
John Milton said:
like I said I was maybe being a little hyper critical anyway ;)

That's not like you John... :lmao:

From MiPad2 using the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
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