How many people?

I use my iPhone for everything, 80-90% of the time, and I don't have any problems viewing images clearly. During the weekdays I'm on a PC... I have an iMac and iPad at home but most times it's easier to lie in bed with my iPhone. :D

Edit: I forgot to mention the above was referring to stuff like MobiTog, Facebook, etc. I do quite a bit of editing on my iPad though.... Maybe 50/50? Sometimes I edit more on the iPad and sometimes it's the iPhone, depending where I am.
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I'm old, so I shoot everything on my iPhone 5S, photoSync over to my iPad Air for editing ;)
Very similar here, except I use iCloud for all my transferring and very rarely, if ever, edit on my iPhone... :D

And, I do also use my MBP or iMac on occasion, just depends where I happen to be and what else I am doing... :rog:
A newbies take on it, I marvelled at what the iPhone 4S could do, and thanks to you lot, ended up spending £££££'s on apps, but, then, you lot got me thinking iPad!
So I managed to scrape enough for an iPad min retina, and now, I'm loving taking images on the iPhone, and then getting them onto the iPad mini ASAP. I love the screen size of it and editing is much much more comfortable now.
I still delete off the iPad as soon as I've finished an edit, moving the image onto the laptop for storage, presentation.
This leaves me with maximum space on both apple devices.
Also, the main advantage of editing on iPad has to be that if out and about, I'm not wearing the phone battery out ( this is now helped by an external 2600mah charger stick to top the iPhone up.
God I'm becoming a gadget freak!!!!!!
Half the images I see are incomprehensible on my phone

Likewise. And I like bold moves & sweeping gestures, which seem counter-intuitive hunched over the iPhone. Plus I have 'well-versed' eyes (thank you Ron for a reframe I'd never've thought of :)) and couldn't see a damn thing anyway. I have a new iMac Air which I'm still circling, and I'm yet to uncover the mysteries of iCloud & Dropbox etc - so it's all iPad for me :))
I am in the same boat! :) Plus I need my readers on while editing on the Air! :) Our eyes are not old, just well versed! :)
"Well versed", Ron, is something I am going to quote from here on in :)
Ok, you make me feel old, I do the same with the only difference that I use the iPad mini, so I suppose I'm a bit younger. :D
Haahaa! That makes sense ;)
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