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How to create an image that looks like a vintage postcard.

Giuseppe Navone

The applications used for this tutorial, were as follows: Camera+, Superimpose, ColorSplash, PhotoWizard.
This was my starting image, a countryside of my shares.
Now let's open up our image with ColorSplash, we laugh only at the color most interesting part of our image, in this case the church and its neighboring houses, we give some other flash of color in different points of view, what we get and what see just below the screen,
Sel 1.jpg

Now begins the most interesting part, begin to give the first texture, you can try to experiment with others, I have used this PhotoWizard obtained with, that you see in the picture below.
We will obtain a plot to hatch so that we can use it in other works, even to simulate a rainy day, we will use a program because I love the most able to do magic, we will open our image in the Superimpose, bearing in mind that we have in our library , a watercolor type color image, or see the one that best fit your work, I used this I have created that you see just below.

This is more magnified the picture.
Now comes the final part, where we will give what I call light strokes, where we will give those small details that make the pleasant image, all using Camera+

Add a frame and get our finished image.
Finale (FILEminimizer).JPG

With this I conclude, I hope this tutorial can be proved helpful, as I was, and a stimulus for further work and who can suggest other ways your personal
Thank you for your patience.
Giuseppe Navone.
I'm with Roger and Aaron. Love these tutorials. I know all of us have our own techniques for working on photos, and it's great seeing how others work on theirs. Definitely always something new to learn, and reason #1,544,230 that Mobitog is an awesome place to be.
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