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NEW MobiTog.com iPhone Carrier mod...


Real Name
iPhone 13 Pro
Firstly, the obligatory... :zip:

DISCLAIMER: Editing of your iPhone's carrier logo is entirely your own risk and neither MobiTog the OP or any other individual or group may be held responsible for any malfunction or other issue arising. The carrier editing tool to install requires a very simple to do restore via iTunes.

Secondly, huge thanks to Ethan (@LifeProofedCamera ) for providing the awesome revised MobiLogo for carrier replacement use, THANK YOU Ethan... :notworthy:

So, this is what it will look like...


And this is (very easily cos even I managed it) how to go about it... :rog:

You will need to download the following iMage .png file for the MobiLogo, preferably onto your desktop...

< It is there, honest, just white on white so right click and save as to your desktop!

Then you will need to download this little Mac App .dmg to convert the file to the necessary .ipcc type:

From > JBN HERE < for either Mac or PC

Or from > CNET HERE < for Mac only

Just follow the instructions closely on the App, there are very few steps, including how to do the final iTunes step, before you will have your very own MobiTog.com Carrier installed... :inlove:

By the way, the superb Green wallpaper was also kindly provided by Ethan, an all round top bloke and avid MobiMember... :thumbs:

Hmmm... :barf:

This does not appear to work with iOS 7 - any clues from anyone... :rog:
This is awesome! Just changed my logo to Mobitog!!

Can anyone explain how to create custom logos please? I'd like to have a go at it.
Just make a .png
The only real restriction is it has to have a height of 40px ... The width is up to you, but keep in mind, if you make a really wide logo, it will hog valuable space in your status bar

Crikey bob Ethan, that was quick, thank you sir... :notworthy:

Any idea why the .png you kindly did for MobiTog would not appear on iOS 7 version - mine just reverts to O2-UK each time I try... :rog:
Crikey bob Ethan, that was quick, thank you sir... :notworthy:

Any idea why the .png you kindly did for MobiTog would not appear on iOS 7 version - mine just reverts to O2-UK each time I try... :rog:
Because of the way iOS looks for the resources... It has to have the right name, or else it won't know that is a carrier logo... For instance, one example is WhiteOnBlackEtch_2_WifiBars@2x~iphone.png
Because of the way iOS looks for the resources... It has to have the right name, or else it won't know that is a carrier logo... For instance, one example is WhiteOnBlackEtch_2_WifiBars@2x~iphone.png
Ah - so are you suggesting I just have to rename the .png a couple of times then?... :rog:
Ah - so are you suggesting I just have to rename the .png a couple of times then?... :rog:
No, what I'm suggesting is that the program that 'compiles' the carrier logo knows what names iOS5 and iOS6 use, but that like the way iOS6 added a tint category and removed the old 'color on grey' , iOS7 may be using a new name style, and since default carrier logos rely on (in my own theory) rasterized text, the iPhone already makes a O2-UK logo and names it appropriately... Until somebody figures out the naming system for iOS7, the carrier switcheroo will not be an option
Ah right, thanks a lot for the clarification Ethan!... ;)

I'll just have to be patient then... :rog:

Not that it is in my nature to be so... :D

From iP5 using the fabulous MobiApp... :D
Ok Rog how have you managed to get on iOS 7 already?! I'm thoroughly jealous to be honest! If there's some secret site we can sneak over to and load 7 I'd pay to know where it is?! Waiting kills me as well.....I believe I was born without patience and even as I've grown in age my patience hasn't grown at all!!
Ok Rog how have you managed to get on iOS 7 already?! I'm thoroughly jealous to be honest! If there's some secret site we can sneak over to and load 7 I'd pay to know where it is?! Waiting kills me as well.....I believe I was born without patience and even as I've grown in age my patience hasn't grown at all!!
Having a dev account means Apple gives you clearance to the betas, so that devs can have their app fully compatible and ready for the new OS when it's released publicly.
Ok Rog how have you managed to get on iOS 7 already?! I'm thoroughly jealous to be honest! If there's some secret site we can sneak over to and load 7 I'd pay to know where it is?! Waiting kills me as well.....I believe I was born without patience and even as I've grown in age my patience hasn't grown at all!!
However, if you are adamant about he beta, there has been mention of a backdoor method for iOS7, but keep in mind it is AT YOUR OWN RISK
Aww, soz Brandy but Ethan
is spot on, we have a Dev Account... ;)

Although sometimes that is a pita when the Beta versions go through a high number of iterations meaning downloading and restoring all too often... :rog:

Such a cross, in the case of iOS 7, I am willing to bear... :D
Hey Ethan... :notworthy:

I don't suppose it would be possible to redo my original favourite and align the 'shleves' so the bright Green strip sits with the App iCons on top and the words neatly inside it (it is nearly right in the 645 Pro line of Apps, below?... :whistle:

No rush and I know it is awfully cheeky, but the parallax action is really highlighted by those lines moving... :D


Thank you, thank you, thank you... :notworthy:

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