Producing physical images


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Hopefully this is the correct forum. I was just asked again about someone being able to purchase a "signed" photo. I know there are various options for printing- instagallery, Flickr, deviantArt I know so far but I'm a bit lost on what the best protocol is or even what service is most reasonably priced. . I understand about going and picking a photo and just having it printed but why is the way to do it if someone wants a signed print? The image they want is more nostalgic- they know the person the portrait is of, but I'd love to make it special. Are there any resources to learn about this online that people find reliable?

I did see the other totally cool thread about image transfer... That's fun for another day :)

Thank you
I have my photos on, and so far have liked the quality of the prints I've ordered. There are lots of different sites out there, but to my knowledge the only way to give someone a signed print would be to order the print from somewhere, have it shipped to you so you can sign it, then ship/deliver the signed print to the recipient.
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