• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Shots of my Life...

Peter Tegeler

Real Name
Peter Tegeler
Hi all,
As I told you, I normally work with my Canon EOS 7D. A friend just finished the 'Camino de Santiago' in Spain. She just had her iPhone with her and wrote a blog.
I was fascinated from her photos with this unique look. So I got Hipstamatic and started my way. I think Hipsta is a great tool next to my DSLR.

Now I want to start this ongoing thread, where I can put in the 'shots of my life'.
I hope you will see a lot of my town, my land and of course my favorite places.

However, enjoy the photos...
Tram station near the university

2012-09-27 006.jpg

Roboto Glitter / Float

2012-09-27 012.jpg

Roboto Glitter / Float

2012-09-27 013.jpg

Roboto Glitter / Float

2012-09-27 018.jpg

Roboto Glitter / Float

2012-09-27 030.jpg

Roboto Glitter / Float

2012-09-27 037.jpg

Americana / USI776
Excellent work Peter, a great selection of Hipsta iMagery sir... :thumbs:

Have you tried the Venomator's patented 'Shake 'n Take' with your Hipstamatic yet? It produces some awesome results (as well as some pretty ordinary ones it has to be said... :lmao: )...:D

AND, I assume you have encouraged your Spanish tripping, iPhone toting, friend that's a girl, to come join MobiTog and show off her Camino de Santiago iMagery here too... :rog:
Fantastic shots! And Hipstamatic is the perfect choice for this project! Really looking forward to seeing more... :thumbs:

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Oh, those train detail shots are just fabulous! :thumbs:

Really wonderful photos...I'm so enjoying this thread! :D

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Peter Tegeler said:
Palace Garden Weitmar

Roboto Glitter / Float

Loftus / DC

John S / Ina´s 1982

Roboto Glitter / Float

Peter Tegeler said:
Railroad Museum Bochum

Jimmy / Ina´s 1982

Jimmy / Ina´s 1982

Jimmy / Ina´s 1982

Jimmy / Ina´s 1982

Jimmy / Ina´s 1982

Jimmy / Ina´s 1982

Fab shots!!

on the street
2012-10-02 006.jpg

Jane / Ina´s 1969

2012-10-03 012.jpg

Jane / Ina´s 1969

it´s mine..NO! I was first.
2012-10-03 015.jpg

Jane / Float

very late corn
2012-10-03 020.jpg

Jane / Float

new kubus (gallery) built inside an old castle
2012-10-03 030.jpg

Jane / Float

Analog or digital? maybe Digilog...
2012-10-05 040.jpg

Jane / Float / double exposure
Enjoy your day, and of course the new Hipsta gear!
Peter Tegeler said:

on the street

Jane / Ina´s 1969


Jane / Ina´s 1969

it´s mine..NO! I was first.

Jane / Float

very late corn

Jane / Float

new kubus (gallery) built inside an old castle

Jane / Float

Analog or digital? maybe Digilog...

Jane / Float / double exposing

Enjoy your day, and of course the new Hipsta gear!

Awesome images!!
Powerful shots, Peter. I can see the hand (or should that be eye?) of a seasoned photographer behind all of them. Hope you're enjoying the freedom the iPhone and Hipstamatic is bringing to your work. :)
Thank you Richard!
I love Hipstamatic every day a little bit more.:inlove:
It is really amazing to see how much people like this special look.
Most of them even didn´t know that these photos where taken
with the iPhone and not with the DSLR. That is an interesting point
for me to see how easily you can transport emotions and atmosphere
with Hipsta and the iPhone.
Love the shot of the butcher with the dog waiting patiently! :D And my other fave is the roofline/sky. :thumbs:

So happy you're diggin' Hipsta! It's my all-time fave app. :D

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Peter Tegeler said:
Ruhr-University Bochum

Jane / Ina´s 1982

Jane / Ina´s 1982

Jane / Ina´s 1982

Jane / Ina´s 1982

Jane / Ina´s 1982

Jane / Ina´s 1982

Nice Hipsta combo! Great images!
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