• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Untitled (013) and (014)


Real Name
Ken Rowe

Untitled (013)
iPhone 4s.
Camera+, Snapseed, iColorama, Repix, Deco Sketch, Procreate, Filterstorm.

I had real problems getting this image to completion. And I can still see things that could be done. But really, one can go on and on. So this is not the definitive version, but perhaps an exploratory sketch?
I have just finished reading through the massive thread that Catherine moved to this forum. Just a wonderful informative post. And interestingly, after taking in all the wonderful images, its causing me to re-evaluate my own stuff. Which is such a beneficial process.

IMG_5578_Untitled 014.JPG

Untitled (014)
iPhone 4s
Camera+, Snapseed, Laminar Pro, Popsicolor, iColorama, Pixlromatic, Repix, Deco Sketch, Procreate, Filterstorm.

This one resonates with me in terms of global warming and climate change. I feel that I am hovering over the planet and seeing: oceans turning acidic (green) with warming. Rising water levels from melting ice caps flooding continents. Massive storm cells moving over the globe. Blood spatter symbolic of the effect on peoples, starvation etc. The mixture of man vs. nature symbolised by the use of mechanical markmaking (severe straight lines, dots etc) vs. gesture (as in abstract expressionism, a more 'natural' type of mark). Shifting of continental plates, a planet in turmoil.

Disclaimer: The above views are my own and I understand that there are others on MobiTog that may hold opposing viewpoints. I respect their opinions even if I may disagree with them. It was not my intention to make a political point, its just the way the picture evolved and turned out.
Oh wow Ken.... This second piece is AMAZING. It resonates with me the exact same way. Really superb. It's a similar idea I was trying to get across with my Greenhouse Effect series... But I think your piece is much more elegant. Just love it. :inlove:
View attachment 38098

Untitled (013)
iPhone 4s.
Camera+, Snapseed, iColorama, Repix, Deco Sketch, Procreate, Filterstorm.

I had real problems getting this image to completion. And I can still see things that could be done. But really, one can go on and on. So this is not the definitive version, but perhaps an exploratory sketch?
I have just finished reading through the massive thread that Catherine moved to this forum. Just a wonderful informative post. And interestingly, after taking in all the wonderful images, its causing me to re-evaluate my own stuff. Which is such a beneficial process.
Really like this one too... Digging the mono tones. I know what you mean re abstracts...it's easy to go on and on and on, and sometimes hard to know when to stop, to finish. :thumbs:
Image #2 is so powerful and I think your interpretation is spot-on!!
Amazed and intrigued by your fabulous abstracts. Wish I had a pinch of your talent.....sigh.
View attachment 38098

Untitled (013)
iPhone 4s.
Camera+, Snapseed, iColorama, Repix, Deco Sketch, Procreate, Filterstorm.

I had real problems getting this image to completion. And I can still see things that could be done. But really, one can go on and on. So this is not the definitive version, but perhaps an exploratory sketch?
I have just finished reading through the massive thread that Catherine moved to this forum. Just a wonderful informative post. And interestingly, after taking in all the wonderful images, its causing me to re-evaluate my own stuff. Which is such a beneficial process.

View attachment 38099

Untitled (014)
iPhone 4s
Camera+, Snapseed, Laminar Pro, Popsicolor, iColorama, Pixlromatic, Repix, Deco Sketch, Procreate, Filterstorm.

This one resonates with me in terms of global warming and climate change. I feel that I am hovering over the planet and seeing: oceans turning acidic (green) with warming. Rising water levels from melting ice caps flooding continents. Massive storm cells moving over the globe. Blood spatter symbolic of the effect on peoples, starvation etc. The mixture of man vs. nature symbolised by the use of mechanical markmaking (severe straight lines, dots etc) vs. gesture (as in abstract expressionism, a more 'natural' type of mark). Shifting of continental plates, a planet in turmoil.

Disclaimer: The above views are my own and I understand that there are others on MobiTog that may hold opposing viewpoints. I respect their opinions even if I may disagree with them. It was not my intention to make a political point, its just the way the picture evolved and turned out.

Methinks these are beyond the realm of brilliant, in fact beyond even the realm of awesomesauce, but heading into the stratosphere of the surreally magnanimous. Amazing to the max. :)

"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives" - Author unknown
Oh wow Ken.... This second piece is AMAZING. It resonates with me the exact same way. Really superb. It's a similar idea I was trying to get across with my Greenhouse Effect series... But I think your piece is much more elegant. Just love it. :inlove:
Yes I did notice the symbolism in your Greenhouse images. :) The beauty of your images combining with the layers of meaning connecting to the symbolism made them very wonderful for me. It creates a wonderful poetic that elevates the work onto another plane I believe. Its really strange how images evolve, seemingly from nothing. Splash some paint around and something magical happens and before one knows it, an image forms. At the risk of sounding too esoteric, I have always thought that it is a very magical process. Very similar with what I do in this series although with these I start from a basic image of some sort. Thanks Catherine. :):):)
Amazed and intrigued by your fabulous abstracts. Wish I had a pinch of your talent.....sigh.
Thank you so much Davinia. I dont know about talent though, I feel as if I am wandering around in the dark most of the time. :confused::):)
Methinks these are beyond the realm of brilliant, in fact beyond even the realm of awesomesauce, but heading into the stratosphere of the surreally magnanimous. Amazing to the max. :)

"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives" - Author unknown
Good onya Robert. Thanks for your wonderful words. :):) With your permission, could I use your word 'awesomesauce' in one of my pics? It is such a wonderful word. Or even the phrase 'realm of awesomesauce'. I would write it onto a pic at some stage down the line. I wouldn't create an image around the words, but fit the words onto an appropriate image, which is the way I usually work. :):):)
Good onya Robert. Thanks for your wonderful words. :):) With your permission, could I use your word 'awesomesauce' in one of my pics? It is such a wonderful word. Or even the phrase 'realm of awesomesauce'. I would write it onto a pic at some stage down the line. I wouldn't create an image around the words, but fit the words onto an appropriate image, which is the way I usually work. :):):)

Please do! That would be, as they say, awesomesauce! :D
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