• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

What's up in MobiLand

Robert Lancaster

Mobi Veteran
Real Name
Robert Lancaster
Good morrow MobiPeeps,
What is afoot in MobiLand?

Something appears to be amiss. For the first time ever I have been getting more views and likes for my new pieces on other sites than in my home community.

Where is everyone?

Sent from my iPhone 3GS using MobiTog
I've noticed the quietness as well but there has been the usual number of mobi peeps online!
There will always be dips in what people post but it has been unusually quiet of late.

This is the only forum I use to post and read about iPhoneography Robert, I didn't know there were other ones to be honest!!
Superstorm Sandy could be a reason. Another could be that people arent as avid about things as time goes on. I really like Mobitog, yet I ve always wished that you could see pictures right away on the home page, instead of headlines about pictures. Looking at a fresh page of Mobitog shots, with the photographers name and the picture info underneath might make me leave Instagram all together! A home page with pictures right there, and some type of acccess to the rest of a photographers feed my give a dynamic boost for 2013. Just an idea!
Robert Lancaster said:
Good morrow MobiPeeps,
What is afoot in MobiLand?

Something appears to be amiss. For the first time ever I have been getting more views and likes for my new pieces on other sites than in my home community.

Where is everyone?

Sent from my iPhone 3GS using MobiTog

Well sandy has slowed things down abit especially for a few of our beloved mobi family ! But Personally I have a new day job which is demanding a lot of my time , but I'm still taking pics at every opportunity :D , but things do go in phases ! I'm off to take some pics right now , will check in later :D don't think anything could curb my enthusiasm :D xxxx Vix :D
I just realized I was selected as AOTD at IPA! Holy cow! I have been neglecting all sites lately as work has been picking up at my day job. Just too tired when I get home to think about pics. I really hate that too because I never want to loose any momentum. I also want to get something going here with the Mobistock but just havent taken the time to get to it. Things should slow down within a few weeks or so and I'll be back at it!
I t has slowed but still moving - I'm still glad to be here!

I just realized I was selected as AOTD at IPA! Holy cow! I have been neglecting all sites lately as work has been picking up at my day job. Just too tired when I get home to think about pics. I really hate that too because I never want to loose any momentum. I also want to get something going here with the Mobistock but just havent taken the time to get to it. Things should slow down within a few weeks or so and I'll be back at it!

Good morrow MobiPeeps,
What is afoot in MobiLand?

Something appears to be amiss. For the first time ever I have been getting more views and likes for my new pieces on other sites than in my home community.

Where is everyone?
OMG... :eek:

Have you been slacking off Robert... :lmao:

Seriously, an awful lot of factors have conspired against us all at once and most of them have been mentioned here already... :(

Not only that but Matt and me have been diverted somewhat on sorting out some major issues with MobiTogs service providers who have really been letting you all down rather badly, but we won't bore you with the detail! Suffice to say, we are nearly resolved with those painful and expensive niggles and should be back on track very soon, Matt has been tearing the hair out of his Rainbow Spanners and his Movember Top Lip too, trying to sort the mess out... ;)

We are also very conscious of the point made by Darius and have also been working up plans for improvements to your community in 2013 that should go some way to improving the look and feel of your MobiCommunity - especially from an instant visual impact perspective when you first land on the MobiTog site... :rog:

In the meantime, all we can suggest is that you all continue to express your support and commitment to your own MobiCommunity by posting, sharing, discussing, experimenting, Apping, debating, updating and, most of all...

Spreading the MobiLove far and wide amongst ALL of your iPhoneography buddies, everywhere you can, around the globe and continue to make the huge investment in time, effort and funds well worth it, for all our benefits and to the benefit of iPhoneography and iPhoneographers everywhere, wherever they are in the iWorld... :rog:

AND - your MobiCommunity has just breached the 2,000 MobiMember mark - testament to all of you who generate the interest and community life of MobiTog, thank you all... :D
OMG... :eek:

Have you been slacking off Robert... :lmao:

Seriously, an awful lot of factors have conspired against us all at once and most of them have been mentioned here already... :(

Not only that but Matt and me have been diverted somewhat on sorting out some major issues with MobiTogs service providers who have really been letting you all down rather badly, but we won't bore you with the detail! Suffice to say, we are nearly resolved with those painful and expensive niggles and should be back on track very soon, Matt has been tearing the hair out of his Rainbow Spanners and his Movember Top Lip too, trying to sort the mess out... ;)

We are also very conscious of the point made by Darius and have also been working up plans for improvements to your community in 2013 that should go some way to improving the look and feel of your MobiCommunity - especially from an instant visual impact perspective when you first land on the MobiTog site... :rog:

In the meantime, all we can suggest is that you all continue to express your support and commitment to your own MobiCommunity by posting, sharing, discussing, experimenting, Apping, debating, updating and, most of all...

Spreading the MobiLove far and wide amongst ALL of your iPhoneography buddies, everywhere you can, around the globe and continue to make the huge investment in time, effort and funds well worth it, for all our benefits and to the benefit of iPhoneography and iPhoneographers everywhere, wherever they are in the iWorld... :rog:

AND - your MobiCommunity has just breached the 2,000 MobiMember mark - testament to all of you who generate the interest and community life of MobiTog, thank you all... :D

Here ! Here ! :thumbs:
Noticed one little quirk with the new update. I can pull down to refresh the Master Forum list and when within a section like Apps Discussion but I can no longer pull down to refresh the overall Iphoneography Discussion sections.
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