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Dwight's Abstractiness


IoTM Winner Apr 23
Real Name
iPhone 14 Pro Max
Hi All, I really love doing abstracts more so than any other art form on my iPhone or iPad. I am starting to get into Procreate brushes along with the potentiality of this app. It is never ending. Hope you enjoy!
I did this one on my iPad with various brushes while experimenting. This was entirely in procreate with no final tonal adjustments.The title is "Strolling through an abstract world."

These are fabulous, Dwight. How long have you been using Procreate?
Hi Jenny! Only for a short while. Sporadically over the last year or so. I am looking to expand my horizons for sure by trying new brushes and techniques. Appreciate the kind words!
I am still trying to get used to the threads on this site. There doesn't appear to be an active challenge for abstracts at this time? Thanks!
If you click on “Forums” it will take you to a page where you can access all of our challenge archives. APPStracts is here. Also, as you progress with Procreate, I have some brushes I’ve either found free, or created myself over the years. I’ll be happy to share.
Starzee Star is modest to a fault. What she doesn’t know about Procreate isn’t worth knowing. Also, along with juryjone Jerry, Star is our resident iColorama expert. many of our members have special obsessions interests you can follow up by the ‘project page’ link under their names, like so:

Aw, shucks, Jen…..:notworthy:
If you click on “Forums” it will take you to a page where you can access all of our challenge archives. APPStracts is here. Also, as you progress with Procreate, I have some brushes I’ve either found free, or created myself over the years. I’ll be happy to share.
That is great. I have a few too!
Aw, shucks, Jen…..:notworthy:
Aw, shucks, Jen…..:notworthy:
Starzee Star is modest to a fault. What she doesn’t know about Procreate isn’t worth knowing. Also, along with juryjone Jerry, Star is our resident iColorama expert. many of our members have special obsessions interests you can follow up by the ‘project page’ link under their names, like so:

This is great. I have been following Jerry's work for a few years. I am heavily involved with iColorama for my art challenges as well. I wish the program would make layers available someday. Until then, it is a great app and there are workarounds.
What Cat said. It looks like she's standing on a stage, looking out at the audience, with the stage curtain on the right. It also looks like she's holding a bundle of firewood, though I'm less sure of that :lmao:
Now that is funny. I like your interpretation. Either that or she keeps swiveling back and forth trying to figure out which way to go. Who knows. Ha
Now that is funny. I like your interpretation. Either that or she keeps swiveling back and forth trying to figure out which way to go. Who knows. Ha
Ah, so she is carrying firewood to the boiler room, got lost, and wandered onto the stage by mistake. Now she's turning this way and that, confused by the lights, wondering how to get away. Meanwhile, a voice from the darkness says "And what will you be performing for your audition, darling?"

Really good work, regardless. Is this all Procreate?
Ah, so she is carrying firewood to the boiler room, got lost, and wandered onto the stage by mistake. Now she's turning this way and that, confused by the lights, wondering how to get away. Meanwhile, a voice from the darkness says "And what will you be performing for your audition, darling?"

Really good work, regardless. Is this all Procreate?
Thank you. Yes. I believe that I may have done some final tonal adjustments in iColorama.
This is fabulous, Dwight [also what Cat Star and Ted have already said].
So glad you started posting your abstracts! More, please :)
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