• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Jerry’s Catch-All

The Heron

MidJourney, iColorama

Inspired by Jacosta

Iceberg Joe

WomboDream, MidJourney, iColorama

There’s a Wombo Dream style on Wombot that I really like - eclectica. Using an image created with that style as a style reference in MidJourney (along with a dash of --chaos) gives me results I like with simple prompts. I actually prompted “Iceberg Joe”.

Is this an overlay of two pieces? If not, I'm wondering what kind of prompt produced the wireframe parts on top of the realistic parts.
It wasn’t the prompt - it was the vagaries of MidJourney. I was using the style reference feature, but the image was a digital portrait of a bald man with some glitch effects, or effects gotten from the old Fragment app. The four results all had the same colors as the reference; three had some wireframe additions and one the glitches were isometric cubes rather than strictly horizontal and vertical. I liked the one with the most wireframe because the others thought hopscotch was played on steps.
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