• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Notice Site Changes


The Great Garbanzo!
Real Name
Project Page
Hello Mobitog Family,

We are currently in the process of reviewing and updating the site to bring it more inline with how it gets used by everyone here. There have been a number of changes already and more planned and this post is to let you know what's going on.

Changes that have already happened:

Staff Changes:

Matt Smooth and Rog Venomator are standing down after creating, growing and running the site for 12 years. Thanks guys. You created a mobile photography home like no other, and we are incredibly grateful for your vision, creativity and leadership. We have some huge MobiBoots to fill, but are excited for the future.

Myself rizole, Jilly JillyG and Ted terse are stepping in as staff, along with current staff members Star Starzee, Jen zenjenny and Catherine RoseCat. The staff team are now running the whole show although Matt is on call should one of us press the red self-destruct button by accident.

Forum structure:

You may have noticed changes in the forums. Most of the big, structural changes are done now. Some forums have been renamed to reflect a different or wider focus. The weekly challenges, 365's and other challenges now have their own threads. Because of these changes you may find some of your watch threads or bookmarks don't work as expected. Apologies if that's the case.

There is a new forum category, The Retirement Home. Older, unused threads have already been and will continue to be moved there, including old 365's and 52's. Some forums have over a decade's worth of posts in them. The plan is to thin these down and shunt the dated stuff to the old folks home.

Changes that are planned

  • Revamping the menu system (in progress)
  • Tweaking the front page (in planning)
  • Revisiting recent requests/suggestions (started)
Finally, with the change in staff, we're hoping to update, freshen, clear and rejuvenate the site. We want it to work more intuitively for current users and be a place that new users want to make their home. With that in mind, I'm inviting everyone to go to the Site Discussion, Feedback and Requests forum to offer feedback and make suggestions.

Hello Mobitog Family,

We are currently in the process of reviewing and updating the site to bring it more inline with how it gets used by everyone here. There have been a number of changes already and more planned and this post is to let you know what's going on.

Changes that have already happened:

Staff Changes:

Matt Smooth and Rog Venomator are standing down after creating, growing and running the site for 12 years. Thanks guys. You created a mobile photography home like no other, and we are incredibly grateful for your vision, creativity and leadership. We have some huge MobiBoots to fill, but are excited for the future.

Myself rizole, Jilly JillyG and Ted terse are stepping in as staff, along with current staff members Star Starzee, Jen zenjenny and Catherine RoseCat. The staff team are now running the whole show although Matt is on call should one of us press the red self-destruct button by accident.

Forum structure:

You may have noticed changes in the forums. Most of the big, structural changes are done now. Some forums have been renamed to reflect a different or wider focus. The weekly challenges, 365's and other challenges now have their own threads. Because of these changes you may find some of your watch threads or bookmarks don't work as expected. Apologies if that's the case.

There is a new forum category, The Retirement Home. Older, unused threads have already been and will continue to be moved there, including old 365's and 52's. Some forums have over a decade's worth of posts in them. The plan is to thin these down and shunt the dated stuff to the old folks home.

Changes that are planned
  • Revamping the menu system (in progress)
  • Tweaking the front page (in planning)
  • Revisiting recent requests/suggestions (started)
Finally, with the change in staff, we're hoping to update, freshen, clear and rejuvenate the site. We want it to work more intuitively for current users and be a place that new users want to make their home. With that in mind, I'm inviting everyone to go to the Site Discussion, Feedback and Requests forum to offer feedback and make suggestions.

Fabulous job! Just where exactly is that red self destruct button? I’d like to tape that off… I’m kind of a klutz. :lmao:
Hello Mobitog Family,

We are currently in the process of reviewing and updating the site to bring it more inline with how it gets used by everyone here. There have been a number of changes already and more planned and this post is to let you know what's going on.

Changes that have already happened:

Staff Changes:

Matt Smooth and Rog Venomator are standing down after creating, growing and running the site for 12 years. Thanks guys. You created a mobile photography home like no other, and we are incredibly grateful for your vision, creativity and leadership. We have some huge MobiBoots to fill, but are excited for the future.

Myself rizole, Jilly JillyG and Ted terse are stepping in as staff, along with current staff members Star Starzee, Jen zenjenny and Catherine RoseCat. The staff team are now running the whole show although Matt is on call should one of us press the red self-destruct button by accident.

Forum structure:

You may have noticed changes in the forums. Most of the big, structural changes are done now. Some forums have been renamed to reflect a different or wider focus. The weekly challenges, 365's and other challenges now have their own threads. Because of these changes you may find some of your watch threads or bookmarks don't work as expected. Apologies if that's the case.

There is a new forum category, The Retirement Home. Older, unused threads have already been and will continue to be moved there, including old 365's and 52's. Some forums have over a decade's worth of posts in them. The plan is to thin these down and shunt the dated stuff to the old folks home.

Changes that are planned
  • Revamping the menu system (in progress)
  • Tweaking the front page (in planning)
  • Revisiting recent requests/suggestions (started)
Finally, with the change in staff, we're hoping to update, freshen, clear and rejuvenate the site. We want it to work more intuitively for current users and be a place that new users want to make their home. With that in mind, I'm inviting everyone to go to the Site Discussion, Feedback and Requests forum to offer feedback and make suggestions.

The inmates have taken over the asylum!!:lmao: The site already feels revitalised, which would have been impossible to achieve ordinarily. Long live Mobitog!
Can I say how much I'm loving the new drop-down menus? :inlove: For me, it's making it way easier to find stuff.

Yes, ditto. :thumbs:
I love it, too! Except for the part where I.m so used to going to the first drop down for “new posts”. :lmao: I’m getting better! But I still goof a few times everyday. Mental gymnastics.
I love it, too! Except for the part where I.m so used to going to the first drop down for “new posts”. :lmao: I’m getting better! But I still goof a few times everyday. Mental gymnastics.
Yes, I keep getting Forum Tools every time I want new posts.:lol:
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