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iColorama - Create an abstract art


Real Name
iPhone X
Finally here is my iColorama tutorial. :eek: I have many images in this tutorial. Therefore I'll split the tutorial into a handful parts. And I put these parts one after another to this thread. So turn on some relaxing music, heat your iDevice and try to follow my humble words.

In this tutorial I refer to the iPad version of iColorama. You should be able to reproduce the same result on iPhones using iColorama S. When you find any errors or you have questions, just ask and I'll try to answer to my best knowledge (which isn't very much, however).

We are going to create this image:


Please bear in mind to always tap on [Apply] in the top right corner after every succesfull step. For example you used a brush and painted all you want with this brush, then tap [Apply]. This will generate a "Step". Every [Apply] generates a step. Later, if the need arrises, you can go back one or more steps. Just tap on [Steps] in the top left corner. Here you can choose to step back to any step you generated earlier using [Apply]. Be sure, before you switch to any new tool in iColorama, tap [Apply]. Or your work from the last step on is lost.

In iColorama all starts with a base image you load into iColorama. Tap on the Photo icon in the top left and choose an image. My base image consists of only some horizontal stripes of blue, white and brown. It's a beach scene. May be you have something similar, a landscape for example.

Next we'll use the Artist brush. Choose [Brush] from the top menu bar and then [ARTIST] from the bar underneath. The image you just loaded turns white. This white plane is the canvas we'll paint on. The canvas has the same dimensions as the original image. The colour we paint with comes from the image we loaded before. So the brush we use later will be loaded with the colour from the original image.

I use some of the many brushes you have available. To choose a brush, tap the [Brush icon] in the bottom right corner. This will open a palette of brushes. The brushes are grouped into several categories, there are so many brushes. So first we choose a [Group] called [BASIKA], the second one (marked blue in the image below). You can leave it this way and iColorama will use any brush in that marked group randomly. But we want to use a certain brush, so we had to choose it in the next step.

Now we switch to [Single] and choose brush no. 8 (marked blue in the image below). You see BASIKA 8/41. This means, you have choosen brush no. 8 out of 41 brushes out of group BASIKA. When you have choosen the brush no. 8 just tap in the bottom right corner on the [Brush icon]. This lets the brush palette disapear and we have a better view on our image.

We're just laying a base layer of color, so swirl your finger tip all over the image to fill all space with color.

You can add more depth to the colors if you want. To do so, open the settings for the brush by tapping the [Set] icon in the bottom right. Leave all sliders alone, just drag the [Intensity] slider a bit to the right as shown in the image below. The colors on the brush are more intense now. This way you can add some (and I mean some :) ) more brush strokes with deeper color.

Now we change the brush again. Just tap the [Brush icon] in the bottom right. We'll stay in the same group of brushes and choose brush no. 19 (marked blue in the image below). It looks like grass. I paint with this brush along the dark blue stripe and slightly above.

You can change the size of each brush with the [Size] slider in the bottom bar. You will see a preview of the brush size. I made the brush a bit bigger and painted some more strokes along the dark blue stripe.

Next steps will come up in the following post. Stay tuned. :thumbs:
Then I changed the brush again, this time it's looking like a snow flake. I made it smaller and painted along the white stripe.


A new brush for the foreground.

Again a new brush to bring more detail to the foreground.

So this is what we got so far:

With the brushes I tried to give the coloured areas an interesting structure. Later we will enhance these structures. This gives the image a painterly feel.

This ends part 1. Next part comes soon. :)
I'll add my image I used in this tutorial. You can then possibly better follow the steps.

Wow!! Thank you so much for taking the time to create this! :notworthy: I'm sure there are many MobiPeeps who will find this incredibly useful (me included!) You rock! :D
I enjoy working with iColorama and it's one of my most used apps, but this tutorial is fantastic! I never really knew about the brush selection in groups/single....I always had it on group and took my chances on each stroke. This will save me a lot of time from having to go undo or back steps. Thanks for taking the time to do this.....simply wonderful.
Yay!! Thank you Mik!!! Soon as I get home from work I'm going to do this tutorial. I've saved your original image so I can do all the steps (hope that's okay??)

Can't wait to do it :) Thanks again, Mik - I don't know how you came up with the idea, but it's perfect timing!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :notworthy: :D
This is awesome Mik !!! I can't believe that I was fumbling :confused: my way through this exact thing about 30 minutes ago....and stopped because I didn't like the effect I was getting.. Eureka !!!

" But we want to use a certain brush, so we had to choose it in the next step. Now we switch to [Single] and choose..."

Game Changer !!! :D the brush within a brush has made my day ! Looking forward to the rest of your tutorial... I especially love it because it has pictures and it's clear and concise...:) I don't do words so much...:coffee: Thanks again for this...
Thanks, your comments are very appreciated. :)


This was fun, but we've not almost finished the image. Now we'll get even more fun. We came so far:

This time we want the image to have some movement. First, be sure to tap [Apply], otherwise your changes will be lost as we now switch to a new tool.

We now switch to [Form] (top bar) and [WARP] (second bar)

With warp you can drag pixels under your finger tip. If you point your finger tip on the dark blue stripe, and slide the finger tip to the top, the pixels under the finger tip will follow this move. Try this a few times. If something goes wrong, just hit [WARP] and you can start again. When you are done with Warp, tap [Apply]. I dragged halfways to the left side the pixels upwards and on the right side downwards. This gives us this wavy shape.

We'll switch to [DEFORMS], it's under [Form] too. In the bottom right corner you'll see an icon called [Preset]. Tap this and you get a side bar on the right with presets for this effect. Scroll down the list and choose preset no. 17. You should get a swirl in the center of your image. Wow, instant art :)

You can use the [X Center] and [Y Center] sliders (not your finger tip, to bad, this is a hint to iColorama :) ) to adjust the position of the swirl. I put the swirl a bit to the left (X Center) and also a bit up (Y Center). Look at the sliders positions in the image below. With [Zoom] you can adjust how big the swirl is.

If you haven't already, tap [Apply]. It's also a good idea to save your work from time to time. To do so tap [Save] in the top right corner. [Save] will always save the image as you see it in this moment. Regardless if you have applied all your steps or not.

This ends Part 2. In the last part we will finetune the image to make it a lot snappier :)
Part 3

I hope, as we talked about deform in the last part, it 'deformed' well :)

Ok, now we will brush up or work. This piece of art has a painterly style. But in most cases you wouldn't paint in such dull colours, if you were to paint this. We want contrast, we want the brush strokes to stand out a bit more. iColorama has some tools to help here.

You tapped [Apply], do you? We are going to change the tools. We move over to [Adjust] (top bar) and [HIGH] (second bar). High stands for sharpening. I think it's called high, because there is some high-pass filter involved. It's just that you might not think about sharpen when you read 'high'. However, here is where we are.

We tap [Preset] in the lower right corner and choose preset number two. I found that preset two is especially useful when you have many little details in your image. When you tap and hold [Before], the eye like icon in the top bar and on the right, you can always see the image like it was after you hit [Apply] most recently. You should see a huge difference now. When you lift your finger you see again the image with the sharpen effect. Adjust the [Sharpness] slider as you like. Then tap [Apply].

Now for some depth. We switch the tools to [Effects] and there we choose [RAISE]. Choose [Preset] number two and set the [Size] slider to a low value. Then tap [Apply].

The colours can have some improvement. We switch back to [Adjust] and then [EQ]. I left the [Preset] as it was and just played with the sliders [Saturation] and [Lightness]. This will enhance the colours a lot. Then tap [Apply].

Last step will be some subtle enhancements you can use for many images. This adjustments are called Dodge and Burn. Use Dodge to lighten things and Burn to darken them. You find these tools in the top bar [Brush] and second bar [TOOLS].

I reduced the slider [Stroke Opacity] way down to the left. Here you can control the strength of the effect you will now paint on the image. I left the form of the brush at it was. Use [Preset] to switch between [Dodge] and [Burn].

For example you can use [Dodge] to lighten some of the already lighter parts in the image and [Burn] to draken other parts. This way you add even more contrast to the image.

This is the end of this tutorial. I hope you found it useful and you got inspired to do new things with iColorama.

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Thanks JillyG :) And thanks to all the other moby people, although it's a bit late for me to say that, lol.
With your excellent tutorial, I produced this. It was a photograph of RoseCat Catherine in Norfolk, paddling in the North Sea.:)

View attachment 96371

Even though iColorama has moved on a bit since you produced your tutorial Mik Michael, it's still easy to follow it.
Oh, I love this!!!! So creative!!! :inlove: :notworthy: (hey... I know that girl... ;) )
With your excellent tutorial, I produced this. It was a photograph of RoseCat Catherine in Norfolk, paddling in the North Sea.:)

View attachment 96371

Even though iColorama has moved on a bit since you produced your tutorial Mik Michael, it's still easy to follow it.

That's gorgeous, Jilly!

(Is that the sound of a Mik's tutorial meme tsunami approaching? :D)
With your excellent tutorial, I produced this. It was a photograph of RoseCat Catherine in Norfolk, paddling in the North Sea.:)

View attachment 96371

Even though iColorama has moved on a bit since you produced your tutorial Mik Michael, it's still easy to follow it.

Very nice! I tried this tutorial, too. What fun, and now I want to warp and distort everything. Thank you, MiK!
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