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Jan Gray’s Project 365-2022

You can EAT these??
Not necessarily the ones ready to explode, but the nice round creamy white ones, sure. Some folks dip in flour, then egg, then bread crumbs and shallow fry like Chicken Fried Steak, but I like them just fried up plain in some butter. We didn’t find any this year.
Not necessarily the ones ready to explode, but the nice round creamy white ones, sure. Some folks dip in flour, then egg, then bread crumbs and shallow fry like Chicken Fried Steak, but I like them just fried up plain in some butter. We didn’t find any this year.
You’re a braver person than me. I just wouldn’t want to try them at all.
24th November - ‘When’s Daddy coming Home?’
Dave has been out all day so Bertie has missed him. Spent most of the time in this position watching the front gate till Dave come home. Then the usual dog frenzy happens!
24th November - ‘When’s Daddy coming Home?’
Dave has been out all day so Bertie has missed him. Spent most of the time in this position watching the front gate till Dave come home. Then the usual dog frenzy happens!
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Rosie makes frequent trips to the window when Mike is out. :D
25th November - So Nice to see the Sun
After the few days of dull weather and rain, today‘s walk was lovely with a backdrop of blue sky and sun! Managed to catch the sun reflected in the canal by the swing bridge.

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It’s an instant mood boost when the sun reappears after a few dreary days.
26th November - Shaggy Inkcap
I have seen many more of these this year than all the years I have been photographing fungi. This is a young one as the curls on the edges have not started to turn up. Converted to black and white in Snapseed.
27th November - When you Need to Scratch
Today’s walk from home to Plungar along the canal and back over very muddy farmland Passing a local stables where some of the horses were enjoying the sun. The grey mare was scratching her back on the ground for ages, so had to take a photo of it as it looks quite amusing.
28th November - Creeping Thistle
Spotted this on the walk today across the fields. The Creeping Thistle is a plant that usually can be seen in flower in June but not at the end of November - another example of things that are out of kilter.

28th November - Creeping Thistle
Spotted this on the walk today across the fields. The Creeping Thistle is a plant that usually can be seen in flower in June but not at the end of November - another example of things that are out of kilter.

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Out of kilter, for sure. Our temperatures have been above normal.
30th November - Something Else Wrong!
This warm autumn has really confused some plants. This Delphinium has decided to come into flower again instead of being dormant and disappearing until next year.
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ubbyisis Eva has been showing some of her confused plants, too!
5th December - Oak Leaves
Went out today with my doggy walking friend and decided to meet at a new park I hadn’t been before. Unfortunately, there was a ‘mum’s day outing’ with lots of toddlers and pushchairs so the dogs had to stay on their leads for most of the time which upset Bertie. But at least there were lots of beautiful old oak trees as this image shows of the leaf litter.

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