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Mobi365 Jan Gray 365 Project 2023

7th December - Frosty Day
started this morning with a lovely frost on the plants, but by lunchtime the heavens opened and it hasn’t stopped raining since. Glad I did this shot this morning
18th December - Christmas on the Canal
A lovely morning today, so walked along the canal at Woolsthorpe. The Lock Keeper's cottage has put this deer display on the verge opposite the bridge. Looked very festive.

19th December - Swans a Plenty
Couldn't believe how many swans were on the canal today in one area. I counted 26 in this area then a bit further down there another 20. Looks like they have all joined up for the winter time.
21st December - Rainbow Cloud
I was reading about these on the news app, that people had been seeing these weather phenomena and I looked out this afternoon and there was one! Fabulous colours - caused by ice particles in the atmosphere.
21st December - Rainbow Cloud
I was reading about these on the news app, that people had been seeing these weather phenomena and I looked out this afternoon and there was one! Fabulous colours - caused by ice particles in the atmosphere. View attachment 198926
Beautiful. We’ve only seen such clouds once. I think it was last year. But yesterday I saw postings with this type of cloud shot by people in Northern Sweden
21st December - Rainbow Cloud
I was reading about these on the news app, that people had been seeing these weather phenomena and I looked out this afternoon and there was one! Fabulous colours - caused by ice particles in the atmosphere. View attachment 198926
How very cool. I have never heard of them.
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