• No miracles have occurred, so MobiTog will be closing its doors here on June15 and moving to Discord. Please see updates in the MobiTog Closing thread, including a link to join our Discord server.


bpahia said:
*shameless plug* I'm on G+ as well if anyone wants to add me! Look for Bryan Pahia, and you'll find me. Though most of my online time is dedicated to Mobitog.


Should think so too... :thumbs:

From MiPad2 using the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
richardcb said:
If you can get the hang of the Circles (probably G+'s best feature) you've pretty much nailed it. You can create as many of them as you like and add people to more than one.

I've always been confused with this as FB has pretty much the same thing. You can create friend lists, and update your privacy options so that certain lists can/can't see/do things (for ex, your "family" list can't see your pics from your friends bachelor party... Lol) And you can send messages/notes to a list.

How does Circles differ?

Still skeptical... ;)

Sent from my iPhone using MobiTog
Apart from being easier to use, much more slick in operation and still in Beta, so will be improved as a matter of course, G+ Circles allow choices infinite, for each and every post you make, instead of being a global setting for each group... ;)

That's my take on it anyway and I am not sceptical any more... :D
Still very confused with Google+! May have to ask one of you experts to give a demo of its virtues and why we should be using it, via Skype lol! Seriously though I belong to a couple of private groups on FB where I have to post my images, then also post on my normal FB, then on Mobitog, then on my blog, then on Flickr - used to post to IPA but haven't in a couple of weeks so feel bad about that! Then there is Instagram (that one is easy). I daren't join anywhere else (even though a fellow Peruvian iphoneographer said I should post on Eyeem and Pixels!!)!

How do you all cope with this? Are you posting your photos on too many sites too? Do you have an easy to follow format of how you do it? Any good tips, suggestions, booze to cope with all this? :confused::oops:

Oh yes and on top of that is work!! Ohhhh and the gym at some point!
Veevs said:
How do you all cope with this? Are you posting your photos on too many sites too? Do you have an easy to follow format of how you do it? Any good tips, suggestions, booze to cope with all this? :confused::oops:

Google+ is really easy to use. What I like is I have a social network based on who I want to see what I post. I can say whatever I want & post what I want without getting fired at work. No Ads ! No Farmville !!! I'm tired of people asking me to play games with them. It was nice to see some people from high school, but then they reminded me why I didn't talk to them for 20 years. I just like the Circles & Huddle. If it wasn't for Mansi for inviting me to the Huddle & Rog's shameless plug for MobiTog. I wouldn't be here...

I have the following sites you can find me on Veevs. If you Google Ashcroft54, you can find me all over the Internet & those sites below. It's all about SEO (search engine optimise).

Word Press

The key to figuring it all out is play with it, just like the photo apps. ;) That's what I'm doing on MobiTog is playing & figuring it out.

Sent from my iPhone using MobiTog
Thanks Tina - will add you later on! I am Vivi Hanson Sacerdote on FB, Veevs3 on Flickr and Veevs on Instagram, Twitter.
Veevs said:
Still very confused with Google+! I daren't join anywhere else (even though a fellow Peruvian iphoneographer said I should post on Eyeem and Pixels!!)!
G+ is like a better class and step above FB tbh - and, as Tine says, is extremely user friendly and intuitive to use... It will replace FB for sensible, grown up, social networking... :)

Is it fair to assume you replied to your Peruvian friend that they must join MobiTog then Veevs... :D

From MiPhone4 via the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D
G+ is like a better class and step above FB tbh - and, as Tine says, is extremely user friendly and intuitive to use... It will replace FB for sensible, grown up, social networking... :)

Is it fair to assume you replied to your Peruvian friend that they must join MobiTog then Veevs... :D

From MiPhone4 via the awesome & FREE MobiTog App... :D

I did and told a couple of others too, will work on them ;)
How do you all cope with this? Are you posting your photos on too many sites too? Do you have an easy to follow format of how you do it? Any good tips, suggestions, booze to cope with all this? :confused::oops:

Well I always keep a nice single malt close at hand. :thumbs: Seriously, don't worry about it. Chill. There's no law that says you have to post on every site going. G+ is still very new and still being tested. It shows great potential and, as Rog says, is a definite step up from FB, but it has a long way to go before it can challenge the market leader.

My advice is stick with what you know and what works for you. MobiTog is a valuable resource in times like this because you will get the latest news about what's going on from other members. I know I wouldn't have got onto Google+ if it hadn't been for MobiTog (thanks, Matt!). So, in the words of the famous poster, keep calm and carry on. :D
Still very confused with Google+! May have to ask one of you experts to give a demo of its virtues and why we should be using it, via Skype lol!
We could do all that on Google+'s Hangout feature, where up to ten people at a time can video conference! Hmm, a MobiTog Hangout...now there's a thought. ;)

Of course we also have Skype on the iPad now....
Veevs said:
Mine's gone already!! Think we need a crash course on what we should be using and why and with whom and for what :confused: So now have FB, Google+, Mobitog, IPA, my Blog, Flickr, Instagram - OMG think I need to give up work!! :eek::eek::eek:

Too funny veevs! It is starting to get a little overwhelming. I am Reed Johnson on google+ if anyone would like to add me. Thx Reed
I am Reed Johnson on google+ if anyone would like to add me. Just mention mobitog. Thx Reef
I've just added you on G+. If you see anyone called Richard Burton, that'd be me! Couldn't find anywhere to leave you a message mentioning MobiTog.
iPad owners who want a better Google+ experience than the current iPhone app gives, check out CoolApp for Google+...quickly! It's available for free in the App Store for 24 hours only! Well worth a look as it provides a much better photo viewing feature than the official app. It's a universal app so works on the iPhone too.
Did MobiTog disappear from Google+? I just went to look for it and it said 'profile not found'?
Interesting, Renee. It's still in one of my circles but says 'not yet using Google+' when I click on it. I can only imgine it's fallen victim to Google's ban on business names that requires everyone to have two names. Maybe Rog or Matt can comment.
Interesting, Renee. It's still in one of my circles but says 'not yet using Google+' when I click on it. I can only imgine it's fallen victim to Google's ban on business names that requires everyone to have two names. Maybe Rog or Matt can comment.
It originally was in one of my circles until I attempted to search for it, then immediately disappeared. I had the same thought about the name issue...
Did MobiTog disappear from Google+? I just went to look for it and it said 'profile not found'?
Hi Renée, check my last personal post on G+ for an update... :confused:

Seems we need a little help from the iPhoneographers of the world... :D
I've just joined Google+, no invites needed now. FB are well on the way of hanging themselves, by making so many changes without prior consultation. I'm disgusted at how FB chose to relegate photos loaded directly to Albums, to a poxy "photos" drop-down folder, instead of straight to the Wall. The new "Timelines" look is too cluttered, blog-like and shares waaayyyy too much information. So, this weekend, I'm checking out Google+ and playing the "getting to know you" game. I'm there as AlyZen Moonshadow, so put me in your Circle! I've already added Mobitog and many of you guys, and yes, Mobitog is there on Google+, it hasn't vanished.
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