Hello mobitog!


IOTM WInner - April 2022
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Hi my name is John and I live in the UK (in the middle bit). I've been interested in photography since the beginning of time, well nearly :)
Just discovered this site, so I joined!
I'm on Flickr, Instagram, EyeEm etc, always looking for a new place to post my stuff.
Virtually all mobile now (android......shhhh) a dirty word for a lot of you guys it seems, but hey ;)
Right now its an LG G4.
I've always believed its the image that's the important thing not the equipment it was taken on. Who cares what was used if its a pleasing photograph.
This is my Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/jac1958/ its a mix of mobile and Fuji point and shoot.

Cheers :D
Hey, John, welcome to Mobitog. RoseCat should be along in a bit with her Mobitog tip sheet to get you started, but fire away if you have questions. I see some nice b/w shots in your Flickr stream -- you might be interested in joining the weekly MobiMono monochrome challenge (currently MobiMono 152 here http://www.mobitog.com/threads/mobimono-152.20766/). Open to all; each week's winner becomes the next week's judge.

[My Flickr stream is here https://www.flickr.com/photos/cafebongo/ -- a mix of mobile and other photos, like yours.]
Welcome to MobiTog John! So glad you found us.....this is THE perfect place to feed your obsession habit. :sneaky: We're a friendly and equally fanatic bunch so I know you'll fit right in. :D

Here's some information that might prove useful as you find your way around:

Visit our "How Do I..." forum, where you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks to help you find your way around more easily: How Do I...

The MobiTog Community is set out in four main areas or sections:

Here we welcome everyone, post announcements and take in your suggestions and comments.

Image Sharing
Self-explanatory and broken down into sub-sections clearly named to make it easy to find a topic of your choice. It is here that you post your images.

Phoneography Discussion
For general conversations and discussions about all things mobile photography related.

Members Area
An exclusive MobiMembers-only section. Feel free to discuss things with other members - and find out about Top Secret stuff not for public consumption!

Important note: Please remember that only images originated on a mobile device (iOS or Android) can be posted to this community. No pictures created on a DSLR or compact camera are allowed.

Handy Tip: At the top of the site in the orange bar you'll see "New Posts", and clicking/tapping on it will take you to all the unread new posts that occurred since your last visit. Note: If there's just too many there to deal with, and you're really anal like me you can go up to the top and select "Mark Discussions Read" - and choose just a specific area to 'clear out', for example App Discussions, or choose all discussions which will clear everything and allow you to sort of 'start fresh'. That way the next time you go into New Posts, there will just be the most recent posts since you "erased" everything.

Also when you hover over your username in the very top right, you have an option to choose "Ignore New Posts", and select any forums/discussions that you DON'T want to show up.

We have lots of great challenges to help hone your skills and have loads of fun doing it, like Vix's MobiMono, ZenJenny's Levels of Abstraction (LOA), and a fun group challenge, Elements of Surprise (EOS). Check them out in our Challenges forum!!

Lastly, if you have any questions on anything at all be sure to give us a shout out!
Hi John I'm only a recent convert to this site. Welcome , the people here are friendly and helpful. Unlike you I am trying to cut down on the sites I post to. I'm past chasing "likes", so I tell myself, and I'm trying to learn more. Good luck [emoji106]
Hi John and welcome to Mobitog!! So glad you've joined us and I totally agree; it's the image not the equipment used to take it! ;)
Thanks everyone :)

There does seem to be a bewildering amount of threads to look at and I can't seem to find my way back to where I was ! But hey, I'll get there.
Hi my name is John and I live in the UK (in the middle bit). I've been interested in photography since the beginning of time, well nearly :)
Just discovered this site, so I joined!
I'm on Flickr, Instagram, EyeEm etc, always looking for a new place to post my stuff.
Virtually all mobile now (android......shhhh) a dirty word for a lot of you guys it seems, but hey ;)
Right now its an LG G4.
I've always believed its the image that's the important thing not the equipment it was taken on. Who cares what was used if its a pleasing photograph.
This is my Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/jac1958/ its a mix of mobile and Fuji point and shoot.

Cheers :D
Hi John... Welcome to Mobitog!! I am currently using an iOS device but have enjoyed Android as well as Windows phones. It's not about the equipment but about the one using it. We just got my daughter the LG v10. She is a media arts major and was intrigued with the manual controls on that device.

I look forward to seeing more of your images. I'm on Flickr and IG too.
Hi John... Welcome to Mobitog!! I am currently using an iOS device but have enjoyed Android as well as Windows phones. It's not about the equipment but about the one using it. We just got my daughter the LG v10. She is a media arts major and was intrigued with the manual controls on that device.

I look forward to seeing more of your images. I'm on Flickr and IG too.

Hi, let me know 'who' you are on Flickr and IG and I'll look you up :)
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