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How do I ...?


Pretty poisonous...
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I am still learning to work with backgrounds ( not very well) and just downloaded :whistle: some backgrounds and textures talked about in the Absoulutely Free Backgrounds...Thread. So now I'm thinking - how do I used them? I have a couple of images that I would like to do on different textures/backgrounds. Is this different than pulling down a filter from ScratchCam or another app directly onto your pic or is this a Juxta process: add background-place the image and erase what you don't want or are there other techniques to using free-standing backgrounds and textures ?
eta: This feels different than " elements of surprise" I have no problem there..but something happens when creating a singular work...

How would you put an i-mage on this background ?
That is quite an open ended question. :)

I would use something like ImageBlender, IrisPhotoSuite, FilterStorm or Superimpose depending on what I am trying to achieve.
It is actually fairly similar to what you would do for a Elements of Surprise challenge except you are not adding an element but rather applying the texture to an existing image. This can either be done as a foreground or a background blend using various blending modes. I would also suggest googling what each of the commonly used blending modes is intended for as this makes things much clearer.
I am also a newbie when it comes to this subject so I hope what I have learned can help you, even if it is just a little bit, and maybe we can get some feedback from the real professionals like RoseCat, Veevs, Venomator or another MobiPeep with a similar level of expertise!
Hi Delta and Robert, check out Cat's awesome tutorial. She used one of my textures (from the textures thread). Robert lists out good apps to use, also Juxtaposer.


ps Robert, you are making me blush saying I'm a real professional lol, thank you! Wish I was, am here learning like all of us :D

This is exactly it !!! I don't know how I missed that:oops: tutorial as I'm always trying to pay attention... ( note to self - visit that site daily ) that is EXACTLY..what I'm looking for ! And thanks Robert. I have all the apps you mentioned..but knowing HOW to use them is the key...the technique. I think we all have different approaches..but there is a basic structure to build on...and you're right, Veevs, Cat, Mel, Lisa, do it like masters...just trying to learn here..thanks everyone.
Lol Delta, love your sense of humor!!! It's the perfect tutorial, it's the Cat's Meow of tutorials!!!:cool:
As an aside note, you can also use iColorama in the 'effects' 'blend' section.
Lol Delta, love your sense of humor!!! It's the perfect tutorial, it's the Cat's Meow of tutorials!!!:cool:
As an aside note, you can also use iColorama in the 'effects' 'blend' section.

thanks Carol...sometimes you're working on a project and somewhere in the middle you say to yourself, " what hot mess is this ??" It's at that point that I know the intent is willing but the outcome is no where to be seen..or it left without leaving a note ! So going back to basics for me is the only way to make sense of my learning. Thanks on the iColorama..I've had some success there...I think my Muse is still on vacation !:D
Excellent advice Robert! I couldn't have said it better myself! :thumbs:


This is exactly it !!! I don't know how I missed that:oops: tutorial as I'm always trying to pay attention... ( note to self - visit that site daily ) that is EXACTLY..what I'm looking for ! And thanks Robert. I have all the apps you mentioned..but knowing HOW to use them is the key...the technique. I think we all have different approaches..but there is a basic structure to build on...and you're right, Veevs, Cat, Mel, Lisa, do it like masters...just trying to learn here..thanks everyone.
Thanks for posting the tutorial Veevs - so glad it's helpful to you Delta! And I'm blushing along with Veevs... :oops: I'm here learning from everyone too!

It's the perfect tutorial, it's the Cat's Meow of tutorials!!!:cool:
:lol: Heeheehee!! And thank you!

thanks Carol...sometimes you're working on a project and somewhere in the middle you say to yourself, " what hot mess is this ??" :D
LMAO!!! :lmao: Oh yeah... I have SO been there, done that. :lmao:
I don't know how I missed that:oops: tutorial as I'm always trying to pay attention... (note to self - visit that site daily )
You can also save an entire section as a favorite. For example, when in the app go to iPhoneography Discussion/Effect & Project Tutorials, and tap on the arrow-in-the-square in the upper right corner and tap "Add to Favorites".

At the bottom of the MobiTog app is where the "Favorites" are located: Forums, Current, Conversations, etc. There's also one called "Subscribed". If it's not at the bottom and you want to add it there for easy access, do the following:

  • Tap the 3-dot-dash that says "More".
  • Here you'll see a list of stuff to do, but at the top there's a blue EDIT button - tap that.
  • Now you'll see all the different options: Forums, Current, Search, Profile, etc. Tap and hold "Subscribed" (or whichever button you'd like to appear at your bottom row) and then drag it down to the bottom bar and hold it over a current icon that's already down there. That icon will light up; let go of "Subscribed" and it should snap into place at the bottom. Repeat if necessary until you have the 4 options at the bottom that you prefer.
  • Tap the blue DONE button at the top and that's it!!
I moved my Subscribed button there so that I can easily see if there are new posts in threads that I subscribe to, like the challenges I manage, or specific threads/forums that are interesting to me. If you tap on "Subscribed" you'll see 2 tabs: Threads & Forums - these are the ones you've subscribed to or are "watching".

well, after reading the wonderful tutorials, here is my how do I? now the hard part: I created my own background using 6x6 , perfectly clear,autofocus, filter storm,Snapseed, The glass apple was run through perfectly clear, paint fx, then I used Juxtaposer to combine the images - ran the final through paintfx and shock mypic, then blended them together.

So here is

"Apple for the Teacher"


Sent from my iPad using MobiTog
Delta said:
well, after reading the wonderful tutorials, here is my how do I? now the hard part: I created my own background using 6x6 , perfectly clear,autofocus, filter storm,Snapseed, The glass apple was run through perfectly clear, paint fx, then I used Juxtaposer to combine the images - ran the final through paintfx and shock mypic, then blended them together.

So here is

"Apple for the Teacher"

Sent from my iPad using MobiTog

WoW......gorgeous!!! You learn fast, nicely put together. :)

Thanks You.. It's really not learning fast..but having all the info come together in a way that makes sense. As they say, the evidence of learning is application ! Now to develop a way to record what I do ( apps) without breaking the flow. :)


Thank You so much !
This is a question for RC...I didn't want to step on the " Element of Surprise" flow that's going but you said, " I added my dead Luna Moth using Blender, then masked in some of the 80's filter in Iris + Vignette, Polarizer & Sharpening."

What did you mean when you said , " then masked in..." Masking still hasn't locked and loaded in my brain. I understand what it is, what it does, but when I go to do it...I get befuddled ! :confused:

This is a question for RC...I didn't want to step on the " Element of Surprise" flow that's going but you said, " I added my dead Luna Moth using Blender, then masked in some of the 80's filter in Iris + Vignette, Polarizer & Sharpening."

What did you mean when you said , " then masked in..." Masking still hasn't locked and loaded in my brain. I understand what it is, what it does, but when I go to do it...I get befuddled ! :confused:
It took A LONG TIME for masking to lock into my brain too, Delta! It's a process of combining two or more photos, and erasing the parts you don't want so the "underneath" photo or filter shows through.

In this case, it was a filter in Iris and I didn't want to apply it full strength to the whole photo. So after I uploaded the photo to Iris, I chose the 80's filter, and then tapped "Apply With Mask". Then you get a popup with choices, and I chose "Draw Mask" (then tap Okay when you get the next popup).

Now your photo is there with the filter applied to the entire image, and you can erase what you don't want. Because I would be erasing most of the photo (I only wanted the filter applied to bits of it) I tapped on "Invert" at the bottom of the screen. This TAKES AWAY the filter (or actually just moves it "underneath" the photo) and you get to APPLY it where you want it.

I chose the largest brush size using the slider, and a very low opacity (like around 10 or so) because I wanted the effect to be soft and subtle. Depending on what you want to achieve you can play around with the brush size and opacity - if you don't like it you can always erase it. Then I tapped on the eraser icon because I'm going to ERASE what I don't want. Wherever I erase, the filter that's now "underneath" the photo will show through. If you make a mistake, tap on the BRUSH icon to brush it back in.

Once I had it the way I liked it, tap on the checkmark to save your work in Iris. You can then continue to add more filters/effects either by masking or just applying them to the whole photo.

Hope this helps! Let me know if it's not clear... :D
It took A LONG TIME for masking to lock into my brain too, Delta! It's a process of combining two or more photos, and erasing the parts you don't want so the "underneath" photo or filter shows through.

In this case, it was a filter in Iris and I didn't want to apply it full strength to the whole photo. So after I uploaded the photo to Iris, I chose the 80's filter, and then tapped "Apply With Mask". Then you get a popup with choices, and I chose "Draw Mask" (then tap Okay when you get the next popup).

Now your photo is there with the filter applied to the entire image, and you can erase what you don't want. Because I would be erasing most of the photo (I only wanted the filter applied to bits of it) I tapped on "Invert" at the bottom of the screen. This TAKES AWAY the filter (or actually just moves it "underneath" the photo) and you get to APPLY it where you want it.

I chose the largest brush size using the slider, and a very low opacity (like around 10 or so) because I wanted the effect to be soft and subtle. Depending on what you want to achieve you can play around with the brush size and opacity - if you don't like it you can always erase it. Then I tapped on the eraser icon because I'm going to ERASE what I don't want. Wherever I erase, the filter that's now "underneath" the photo will show through. If you make a mistake, tap on the BRUSH icon to brush it back in.

Once I had it the way I liked it, tap on the checkmark to save your work in Iris. You can then continue to add more filters/effects either by masking or just applying them to the whole photo.

Hope this helps! Let me know if it's not clear... :D

Ahhh ok, ok...so its...( brain..wrapping around this:confused:)...so it's transforming your original photo but leaving the parts that you want visible from the original to still be visible after you apply various filters.
I'm still chewing on it.:D but it's making more sense so I guess nothing to do what try this and see if it locks !!! Thank you sooooooo much !:notworthy:
Thanks for the detailed explanation RoseCat! It really helped a lot. I am busy experimenting already so expect some new stuff soon. :D

And Delta ... Great minds think alike. :lol:
Delta said:
Ahhh ok, ok...so its...( brain..wrapping around this:confused:)...so it's transforming your original photo but leaving the parts that you want visible from the original to still be visible after you apply various filters.
I'm still chewing on it.:D but it's making more sense so I guess nothing to do what try this and see if it locks !!! Thank you sooooooo much !:notworthy:

If it's Iris we're talking about, it's not adding/changing anything about your photo other than filter wise - i.e. color, scratches, etc. So you could add a bit of the Retro filter to the top right corner, and maybe some Old Paper just to a particular flower, a little Polarizer to the middle, etc.

If you're using Image Blender you can actually upload two totally different photos and merge them together, then "mask", i.e. erase, parts of one photo. So you could combine a photo of flowers with a photo of a sign, and erase parts of the sign... OR, you could upload both those photos and simply merge them together.

Does this make sense?

But yes, the best way is to jump in and try it out...I find that, for me, hands-on is always better than reading about it. :)

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If it's Iris we're talking about, it's not adding/changing anything about your photo other than filter wise - i.e. color, scratches, etc. So you could add a bit of the Retro filter to the top right corner, and maybe some Old Paper just to a particular flower, a little Polarizer to the middle, etc.

If you're using Image Blender you can actually upload two totally different photos and merge them together, then "mask", i.e. erase, parts of one photo. So you could combine a photo of flowers with a photo of a sign, and erase parts of the sign... OR, you could upload both those photos and simply merge them together.

Does this make sense?

Sent from my iPhone using MobiTog

Yes. It does..I'm getting there been trying some stuff...watch for the Eureka !!!:rolleyes: Again thanks for the additional explanations:)
You're welcome! Sometimes it's that one little thing that makes it click... :) Really looking forward to your "Aha!" moment. :thumbs:

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Eureka !!! :thumbs: The inverted mask technique clicked...working backwards worked at least in Iris . Now to work on this masking techniques in the other apps !So here is the nekkid shot and the apped shot using masking. My intent was to mess with the background without tampering to much with the face.
Camera A, Perfectly Clear, Iris ( masking) , Shockmypic
" Vejigantes "

Fantastic!!! So glad it "clicked"...I love those moments.

Sent from my iPhone using MobiTog
Delta said:
Eureka !!! :thumbs: The inverted mask technique clicked...working backwards worked at least in Iris . Now to work on this masking techniques in the other apps !So here is the nekkid shot and the apped shot using masking. My intent was to mess with the background without tampering to much with the face.
Camera A, Perfectly Clear, Iris ( masking) , Shockmypic
" Vejigantes "

you did it! bravo!
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