How I experience the web today

I didn't get it at first. It looked almost like a vanilla web page to me. I had to fire up a browser without any of the extensions I run as default to see the awfulness of it.

I know I've banged on about this before but you can stop a lot of this kind of shenanigans with a little set up so it's probably worth a recap.

I use Firefox, (portable firefox at work where firefox is disabled - don't tell them) with extensions, saved passwords, resume sessions and synced profiles. I don't see ads, don't get tracked, rarely get asked to turn on notifications or get modal popups. Facebook gets it's own sandboxed container.
If you're on windows and not using Safari I'd recommend the following, which are also available for chrome and edge (although you know Google and MS are evil right?)
All that doesn't kill all the evil on the internet but it makes it a quieter, less irritating, easier place to visit. :)
I didn't get it at first. It looked almost like a vanilla web page to me. I had to fire up a browser without any of the extensions I run as default to see the awfulness of it.

I know I've banged on about this before but you can stop a lot of this kind of shenanigans with a little set up so it's probably worth a recap.

I use Firefox, (portable firefox at work where firefox is disabled - don't tell them) with extensions, saved passwords, resume sessions and synced profiles. I don't see ads, don't get tracked, rarely get asked to turn on notifications or get modal popups. Facebook gets it's own sandboxed container.
If you're on windows and not using Safari I'd recommend the following, which are also available for chrome and edge (although you know Google and MS are evil right?)
All that doesn't kill all the evil on the internet but it makes it a quieter, less irritating, easier place to visit. :)
Thanks! I used to use Firefox and liked it. I’ve downloaded it already messed up my password. But I’ll work it out.
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