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IOTM Winner - Feb 21, Sep 22, Mar 24
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Hello Everybody,

I'm living in Hong Kong at the moment, usually based in Surrey (UK), spent much of my teenage years in South Africa but was born in Zimbabwe. Yep, bit of a mongrel really.

I'm new to iPhoneography but started photo manipulation/enhancement in earnest and teaching Photoshop, mainly Elements, four years ago when I decided I had had enough of computer analysis and programming. Coreldraw was my first intro to a proper graphics package (rather than histograms and pie charts) way back in 1989 and over the years as part of my job and as a hobby I delighted in messing around with pictures and photographs and also sometimes video.

My husband loved the photography side of things so, in the beginning, I was quite happy to ticker with whatever he took but when I stopped my 'proper job' I started taking more photographs myself. I still feel this is an area that I have neglected and need a lot of work on and would love to do some serious courses.

iPhoneography feels like it comes quite naturally to me because I have been hiking around a point-and-click forever, ready for the unexpected shot. Only needing to carry a phone around will be a real pleasure although judging by all the accessories everybody collects for this activity, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not kidding myself!

My regret about only starting mobile photography now is that I have a huge library of photos that may well gather dust on a hard drive on my shelf as they cannot be classed as mobile photography and I am intrigued to know how others marry ordinary photography with mobile photography.

Heck, do I love a new adventure...
Hi Ann and welcome to Mobitog!! It's a pleasure to meet you. You have come to the right place to learn and share all things mobile. Catherine (a/k/a RoseCat) will be along shortly to offer all kinds of tips on how to navigate what will surely become your new home away from home! ;)
Welcome to MobiTog Ann! What a world traveler!! I'm a bit jealous... :) So glad you've joined us, and I hope we can help to motivate and inspire you! :D

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Welcome Ann.
Always remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question :)
If you need help with anything feel free to ask away. I like tinkering with new apps (or old that I happen to stumble across). I am a relative newbie to mobile photography and found this site about 20 months ago and have enjoyed the people here a lot. There is an immense pool of information and most can be found by simply asking.

Which are your favourite apps both for camera replacement or editing?
I use ProCamera for taking pictures (all of which are on my iPad at the moment). My favourite app for general cleanup before and after is Snapseed. As most of my stuff is mobile artistry I LOVE iColorama. The options are limitless. Takes a bit of time to get your head around and then you realise it is just awesome especially as I can now import my own brushes. I use Superimpose for selections and masks and Retouch for removing unwanted items. Finally iResize to up the size.

Otherwise I have 40 photo apps altogether! Many of them I am still trying out. I will often start with these to try them out and then use my mainstay apps to blend and finish off.
I use ProCamera for taking pictures (all of which are on my iPad at the moment). My favourite app for general cleanup before and after is Snapseed. As most of my stuff is mobile artistry I LOVE iColorama. The options are limitless. Takes a bit of time to get your head around and then you realise it is just awesome especially as I can now import my own brushes. I use Superimpose for selections and masks and Retouch for removing unwanted items. Finally iResize to up the size.

Otherwise I have 40 photo apps altogether! Many of them I am still trying out. I will often start with these to try them out and then use my mainstay apps to blend and finish off.
Only 40 apps! At last count I had over 6000 :)
ProCamera is good but I like Mike Hardaker apps too much :) I normally use 645 Pro III or Pureshot or FieldCam (FieldCam is available only for iPad) but I have others like RAW, KitCamera, Mattebox etc. Most of the ones I use are capable of saving as tiff and that's what I use.
I do use iColourama, Snapseed, HandyPhoto, Filterstorm, Stackables and more for editing.
Superimpose for blending images.
Only 40 apps! At last count I had over 6000 :)
No way! Is your iPad on steroids?!

Ok, so I need to look into camera apps in more depth. Not having a decent smartphone yet I have put that to one side. So if you were to get only two camera apps, what would they be and why (obviously a tough question for you :lol:).
No way! Is your iPad on steroids?!

Ok, so I need to look into camera apps in more depth. Not having a decent smartphone yet I have put that to one side. So if you were to get only two camera apps, what would they be and why (obviously a tough question for you :lol:).

Obviously I don't have them all on my iPad, outside of they physically would not fit :) I have currently about 400 apps on it. When I bought my iPad 3 I got a 64 gig, if I was to buy another (I am thinking about a new air) I would get the 128gig.

Limiting to two apps would be really difficult....
I have one directory that is the most common camera apps.
645 Pro III. I have been using this app for almost 2 years, one of the big draws was what it is capable of and one very responsive developer (Mike Hardaker) that is on here quite often and is very willing to answer any question.
I do have Pureshot (little sister to 645 Pro III) and most of the time it is set to take bracketed shots (3 images), reason is that I do a lot of HDR images.
FieldCam (app looks like an old box camera) and when I have it setup on the tripod I get lots of comments. Underneath it is a modern app that saves tiff's, has colour filters as well as a dial for years which gives basic look for that time period.

I also use a couple apps that gives me even larger images (12mp) but these apps are susceptible to issues with anything moving but are nice to have. I use TaruCamera, CortexCamera and I am waiting for an update to ClearCam which is Brocken with iOS 8, it takes the images but I try enhancing it crashes.

I have NightCap for night images.
I also use Average Camera Pro and AvgNightCam. Both of these apps take many images and blends them all together. They are great is you like that blurred look for waterfalls etc. Average Camera Pro will take up to 128 images and you can set the time in between. AvgNightCam can take up to 1024 images or has bulb and will take as many as you like.

LapseIt Pro for time lapse videos.

I have another directory for HDR. In general use I use VividHDR, TrueHDR, AutoBracket (this started off as an update to TrueHDR but people liked the original UI better and complained enough that the updated the original and this iOS 8 version is sold as a separate app) and FotorHDR. They all basically take three images and give you wider dynamic range, more like what your eye actually see.
I also use either another app like MobileHDR that loads the bracketed shots from Pureshot. It does not take images, just does the processing.

Then there are the analog apps.
Hipstamatic is probably one of the most popular though it is not cheap if you opt for all the additional lenses and films.
Ogle is the little sister to Hipstamatic but adds a showcase section and it is subscription based. It does lack Flashes.
There are plenty of others if you like the lomography look.

In the end it depends on your tastes that is going to decide which apps are for you. I use the various apps, sometimes one right after the other then decide later which I like better. I live where we get a lot of really nice sunsets and if it is really nice I might take a hundred images. Other night I might only take a few, depends on how much colour and how fast it is changing. I am more of a night person so normally I am not up for sunrises except for a few times.

I prefer apps that do save to tiff simply because you get better quality over the far more common jpg apps. There are some editing apps that will also save as tiff. Tiff files are larger, far larger then jpg but if you are after quality and don't like the compression limitation of jpg you have to accept the larger images. As more apps add lossless save formats like tiff the editing tools will follow.

I could go on :) but doesn't want to bore you to tears :D
There have been threads on here for camera replacement apps and what others are using and searching should find some of them.
ImageArt Hiya Ann and a very warm welcome to the Global Mobile Photography Community that is MobiTog, it is great to have you join us from HK... :D

I hope you find your new iPhone 6 soon, you will be in great company among your new fellow MobiMembers already lurking here... :thumbs:

@RoseCat has already given you some helpful pointers, but the best advice is to just to leap right in and join in anywhere and everywhere you fancy we are quite a friendly bunch really... ;)

Hopefully, you will enjoy our humble offerings and will then spread the word to all of your Mobile Photography addicted friends, family and everyone else you can think of to help us share the MobiLurve around the globe... :inlove:

Oh, and if you have a minute, please do drop your location pin on the MobiMap, under the Members tab at the top of the page in browser view... ;)

If you need any assistance on anything MobiTog, or Mobile Photography generally, just shout up, everyone here is so very helpful, otherwise just enjoy your new family of likewise addicted Mobile Photographers... :rog:
No way! Is your iPad on steroids?!

Ok, so I need to look into camera apps in more depth. Not having a decent smartphone yet I have put that to one side. So if you were to get only two camera apps, what would they be and why (obviously a tough question for you :lol:).

Ann richardcb Richard asked a similar question in his thread 'Desert Island Apps' @ . He's a bit more generous, asking for eight selections - and he also offers one luxury item! - but maybe interesting for your question?
Thanks for that mention, Jen. ImageArt should also check the list of MobiTog favourites tacked on to the end of every Weekend Bargains list in Apps Discussion.

Speaking of which, it'll soon be time to vote for our recommended apps for 2015. Put on those thinking caps. :)
Thanks, Lzed, for all that useful info! Sorry two apps was being a bit stingy ;). Think I might go for the Pureshot 'cause I like the idea of the bracketed shots and reading up on it, it sounds like a mega app and the FieldCam might have to get thrown in too.

Wow, got a bit of homework to do tonight what with Jen's useful tip and Richard's suggestion about Apps Discussion.

ImageArt Hiya Ann and a very warm welcome to the Global Mobile Photography Community that is MobiTog, it is great to have you join us from HK... :D

I hope you find your new iPhone 6 soon, you will be in great company among your new fellow MobiMembers already lurking here... :thumbs:
Thanks for the welcome! No luck on the iPhone 6. You have to reserve one online daily at 8am and every time I get to the point of ordering, the one I want is sold out but got a handle on all the info I have to input now and will get it all ready to just paste. It could be that the one I want is just not in stock. Had some great photo opportunities on the way home tonight and it's not quite the same trying to whip out an iPad and look nonchalant. :p
I like what Lzed uses. Tiff files are best quality. 645Pro MKIII is by far my favorite app. For editing, Snapseed, Lightroom mobile, handy Photo. If I want to save in Tiff Filterstorm Neue. HDR ,I take bracketed shots with 645 pro and then use Mobile HDR to combine then or ProHDR. I have tons of apps, but theses are my go to.
Thanks for your input, Mikeraboy. Like your choices. Haven't decided on an HDR app yet but use all the other apps apart from MKIII. Will wait until I have my iPhone first.
Hi Ann! Welcome to the best mobile photography forum the internet has to offer. Although a bit overwhelming in the beginning, you'll soon settle into place with which apps best belong on your device. I mainly use 645pro MKIII (although not as much since they updated) and Cortex Camera, as I take a lot of still shots and find this gives the best results with little to no just need a very steady hand or tripod to ensure no blurring. Snapseed and iColorama hold a strong place in my heart, as does Stackables......LOVE STACKABLES!!!!
Anyways, just wanted to drop by and say Hey. Glad you're joining in on the competitions and can't wait to see more of your work.
Hi Curt, we have something in common - if there were only two photo apps I could have they would be Snapseed and iColorama although neither of these do selections so would have to throw in Superimpose. I have Stackables and must get around to playing with it more.

I'm in the process of looking for an alternative camera app. I like Procamera but it doesn't work with my remote control. I think I will get Pureshot when I get my iPhone 6 but Cortex Camera sounded great for the iPad so purchased it. Wow, it generates such a clear shot. Awesome. And it works with my remote control. Just been added to my bottom bar!
I don't have Superimpose and didn't realize it could do that sort of like PS Touch's magic wand or -/+ selection tool? I may need to look into it. Nice thing about iColorama though, is it can still blend images if you're patient enough to erase the areas.
Congrats on your Cortex're gunna love it. But movement really cause some blurring and ghosting....although, with water and trees, it has potential for beauty from accidents, especially if you app stack. I love taking pictures that didn't turn out (from any camera app) and using rarely used apps to see if I can create something that is appealing, or at the very least, different and interesting. Stackables definitely helps to finalize most of my edits. I seem to use Instaflash quite a bit too, but have noticed that if I edit a picture that was taken from Cortex (at max resolution setting), Ill edit it, but once I try to save it, the resulting photo in my camera roll is just a blank white screen. I've tried to contact them a few times regarding the issue, but still haven't heard back. Even through all of this, it still remains in my top five....I'm pretty sure it's a import size issue, but being aware of this, it's still a truly great app.
Do you have 645pro MKIII? Really is one of the best. Manual Camera is available for free....or at least it was when I got it today. Haven't tried it yet, but looks pretty good.
The 645pro MKIII looks a bit daunting. At the moment I seem to be taking a lot of quick street shots and am looking for any easy quick app for this. Nature and animals is my preference but as I am in a built up area of Hong Kong, I thought I would make use of this and practise people and street stuff.

At the moment I find Superimpose has the easiest selection tools on the iPad. It does have a magic wand with a threshold which is pretty good but I sometimes have to clean up with the brush. The brush has a magnifier which takes time to get used to (because it hops around if it is near the edge of the picture) but helps make the cleanup process which more accurate. Going in close is the secret. It also has a magic colour mask picker which works fantastically for skies because it will remove it inbetween branches for example. The cool thing about it is that you can save the masked picture within the app and use it any time with other pictures as backgrounds and because it keeps the whole pic you can unmask areas that you had previous masked. I have created my own vignettes and can change the opacity or the blend modes with the underlying pic. Even better, the last update enables you to export the masked picture as a png so you can essentially just save an object.
The 645pro MKIII looks a bit daunting. At the moment I seem to be taking a lot of quick street shots and am looking for any easy quick app for this. Nature and animals is my preference but as I am in a built up area of Hong Kong, I thought I would make use of this and practise people and street stuff.

At the moment I find Superimpose has the easiest selection tools on the iPad. It does have a magic wand with a threshold which is pretty good but I sometimes have to clean up with the brush. The brush has a magnifier which takes time to get used to (because it hops around if it is near the edge of the picture) but helps make the cleanup process which more accurate. Going in close is the secret. It also has a magic colour mask picker which works fantastically for skies because it will remove it inbetween branches for example. The cool thing about it is that you can save the masked picture within the app and use it any time with other pictures as backgrounds and because it keeps the whole pic you can unmask areas that you had previous masked. I have created my own vignettes and can change the opacity or the blend modes with the underlying pic. Even better, the last update enables you to export the masked picture as a png so you can essentially just save an object.
The color picker might have just made my decision to get it. I have numerous blending apps, but have always been curious if any others could do that type of removal. I can't wait to see some of your Hong Kong pics. The buildings coupled with the lights and hustle and bustle of the torrents of people will make for some great photography.
ProCamXL 3 is pretty good and doesn't feel as intimidating as 645pro does at times. I just got Proshot as well lately, but haven't gotten a good chance to explore it yet. I like how you can pick the shutter speed though. I'll have to do some more experimenting with it this weekend, even though it's now snowing and blowing here in Winnipeg and doesn't look very promising for this weekend either. Might be a "set up a mini studio inside" kind of weekend. Lol
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