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Masha Ivashintsova, the "Russian Vivian Maier"


Mobi Veteran
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iPhone 14 Pro
Project Page
Masha Ivashintsova, 1942-2000

30,000 unpublished negatives recovered from attic by her daughter


In-process web site created by her daughter:

Fantastic Ted, real vintage photography for a change!
Masha Ivashintsova, 1942-2000

30,000 unpublished negatives recovered from attic by her daughter


In-process web site created by her daughter:

What a fascinating life she had…and incredibly sad. Her images are amazing… a glimpse into such a remarkable place and time in history. Wow.
Masha Ivashintsova, 1942-2000

30,000 unpublished negatives recovered from attic by her daughter


In-process web site created by her daughter:

Great article, loved her photos. Makes you wonder how many of us would still take photos if we didn’t share them somewhere. Art for arts sake
... And at that moment the theater is born. The theater, i.e., an immediate gratuitousness provoking acts without use or profit.

— Le Théâtre et son double. Antonin Artaud
Great article, loved her photos. Makes you wonder how many of us would still take photos if we didn’t share them somewhere. Art for arts sake
I think the creative act for creativity's sake is fundamental to the human experience. I suspect the social aspect, although reinforcing the creative, comes after it. Cashing in probably comes last whether that's in the form of monetization or in social cache.
Great article, loved her photos. Makes you wonder how many of us would still take photos if we didn’t share them somewhere. Art for arts sake

I think the creative act for creativity's sake is fundamental to the human experience. I suspect the social aspect, although reinforcing the creative, comes after it. Cashing in probably comes last whether that's in the form of monetization or in social cache.

What strikes me is that apparently all she ever saw of her own work was a tiny (24x36mm) negative image. I can imagine still taking photos if I couldn't show them, but if I couldn't even see them?
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