• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Rainy Day Orchid

Captured with Hipstamatic on iPhone 6 Plus, processed on same with Hipstamatic and Brushstroke
Rainy Day Orchid by Dee Bantz, on Flickr

Gorgeous Dee and lovely processing. Why does it make me think of a happy cat face. I can just see a cat face superimposed on that (too much time spent in the Wrecking Yard?).
Gorgeous Dee and lovely processing. Why does it make me think of a happy cat face. I can just see a cat face superimposed on that (too much time spent in the Wrecking Yard?).
Ha!!! Yes, I see it in the center white section. :thumbs: Lovely image Dee.
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