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B&W RESULT: #02 Black & White Challenge

Lots of strong images this week. I've been joined in the judging by 6 year old Lauren this week who is very clear on what she likes and doesn't. We haven't reached full agreement so I've had to pull rank for a couple of pictures I like.
I'm awarding 1st place to JillyG framed

I love the simplicity, balance and the feel of being drawn in. Strong work, well done.
If Lauren had had her way terse would have won with Hodge in the afternoon so well done there too.

Second place goes to Jasongag. Many excellent entries but The Boathouse and the City was the standout one for me. Love the energy. Lauren dismissed it out of hand as being messy but she can talk, you should see her artwork.

Third goes to sdimbour for the Eiffel Tower Painter. Nice pic that we both liked. You can feel the years he's probably been doing that for.

There were many more in our shortlist so apologies if you've not been mentioned. Thanks everyone.

Thanks Rizole [emoji3] happy to be rewarded on that challenge. Congratulation to JillyG and Jasongag ! Well done !
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