B&W RESULT: Black and White Challenge #274….Ends April 23

Cool! And what terse Ted said about the title. What exactly is it? I looks like a glowing life preserver.
Thanks! It was actually an embedded light on the floor of an outdoor bar at a resort in Mexico we visited a few months ago. Advantages of early-morning toddler walks - plenty of time to catch details like this when most of the place is still sleeping!

On the wing
This has a great infrared feel to it. How did you manage this in Snapseed?
Good catch. I took the image with Hipstamatic X, then edited it in Snapseed. In Hipsta I used a camera I have labeled “infraredish “ Scott s+BlackeysIR+Leprechaun Tears, then cropped, upped the detail, added a glow and desaturated in Snanpseed.
Thank you. Took a while to figure out how to add my image but I think I’ll be here for a while.
That is great to hear!!!! If you need help just ask!!! Also, why not take a minute and introduce yourself here.
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