MobiColour RESULT: MC #112 Theme: Words - March 19-25, 2018

“Nice words, naughty words, parts of words, meaningful words, nonsense words, added words, subtracted words, people having words, things that might be a word if your live on Pluto (still a planet to me). However you interpret Words.” A quote from me. What was I thinking?

I would go on about how difficult this was, but you all saw the images. You all saw how fantastic they were and how how each was a winner in its own way. So I’ll just get on with it.

First there are some honorable mentions, iomages that stood out for a particular reason.

Favorite word: SinnerJohn’s Choccywoccydoodah

Favorite naughty words: Sinnerjohn’s “fuk u all”. Reminds me of a story, for anther time.

Inspiring (to me) Deepop’s poem by Billy Collins. I’ve started waving (not honking) when I pass the cemetery where my parents and friends are buried.

Favorite name of a place: Sinnerjohn’s Cereal Killer Cafe

Favorite word from Pluto: FundyBrian Brian’s script Lichen.

Clearest message: Terse’s Just Don’t.

Loudest Laugh: JillyG’s Actions Speak Louder

Favorite Controversy: Rizole’s 567 (my opinion, once you say a number it’s a word). Very cool image.

Now to the point.

Third is Terse’s Nice Thing on Squid Row. It the juxtaposition
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In second is Deepop’s Dilli-Dali. Colors, texture, message. Oh and that mustache!View attachment 107573

First, FundyBrian with Evolve. Texture,content. My husband Mike described it as looking like it means, like it just crawled out of the water to live on the land.
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That’s it! Phew!
So sorry I’m late here... I was helping a friend who was exhibiting at a spiritual/healing expo all day yesterday, so I was off my phone most of the day soaking up reiki, crystal, tarot etc etc energy all day. :D

Well done Star... a great wrap up!! Super congrats to terse Ted, deepop David and our Grand Prize Winner FundyBrian !! Whoohoo! I loved all the HMs you listed too...and do many more. It was a memorable week, that’s for sure. :inlove:
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