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Sunset 14th and 16th May

Hard to believe how fast the weather has changed around here. Back in October it was warmer then normal and confused the trees. End of Sept and early Oct we were cold and trees started losing leaves, then it warmed up and stayed warm enough that some trees started to bud again, pretty remarkable to have buds coming out on some trees and leaves in fall colours falling off at the same time. Nov so far has been quit cold on some days and down right cold on others. If anyone believes there is global warming come here. The past year we have been always below normal except for a handful of days. Right now we are running 10 to 15 degrees colder then normal and forecast is our winter this year is going to be similar to last years, colder then normal and more snow then normal.

I found one thing out about my iPad recently.... I was out taking pictures of the icicles and I was out for about 40 minutes. It was about -10c and pretty calm and after about 40 minutes I got an icon of a thermometer with the temperature shown as high. Warning message was that my iPad was too hot and I had to turn it off and let it cool down. In reality though it was too cold and it gave me the warning a couple times then turned itself off. So that was the end of pictures that night. It had to warm up for around a half hour before it would stay on again. Probably a similar issue as with other real analog cameras where in cold weather the batteries get cold and don't provide enough power. For my old Contax cameras there was a plug on the motor drive and they had an external battery pack with a long cord so you could put the batteries in an inside pocket and stay warm. I used that for a number of years when I wanted to take pictures outside. Probably the batteries were just getting too cold in the iPad and that caused the message to come up.

A few weeks ago I had to take Karen down to rehab, they had talked about getting her a new power chair that had tilt. As Karen's trunk muscles get seeker she has more problems sitting upright and has to use one hand to hold herself up. It amazing how that little change affects her ability to do things. In any case I will post more about her wheelchair in another post. While down at rehab I saw some nice trees all in fall colours so thought I would post some of them and some more sunsets.




These images were all taken with TrueHDR, Phonto
Lovely images! Amazing how many trees you still have with fall colors. I'm much farther south than you (NYC area) and ours have mostly dropped all their leaves, and those remaining are brown.

I hope Karen gets her new wheelchair soon... xoxo
Karen's new mode of transportation :)

When I first took Karen down to rehab (about three weeks ago) they had one down there so she could try it. We took both her old PowerChair as well as her manual WheelChair, they wanted to see them and see how Karen was transferring etc. only casualty in that process was Karen's Contigo Mug. She had it along with her iPad in a bag on the side of the powerchair and they had her transferring onto one of their adjustable platforms and her bag got squashed between the two. Her iPad is in a case and nothing happened to it but her mug now has a big dent on one side. Karen says it gets warmer there (it's double walled and the outside skin is now touching the inside skin) but she says it works as a good handle :). Anyways they said it would be 8-12 months to get one of the powerchairs.

About a week ago she had a call from rehab and said it had come in so booked an appointment for her. They wanted everything brought down so on Wed morning Karen took Paratransit down and I drove the van down with everything else. When the chair came in they check it out and make sure batteries are charged etc. there was no backrest with it so the first thing was to take the chair down to Seating and see if there is a backrest that fits or if they have to modify one. Seating is really a few very adept guys that can fix almost anything. Then transfer Karen out of her old chair and into the new, show her how everything works and then she gets to zip up and down the corridors. The new chair even with all the mechanical bits for tilting is about an inch lower then her old chair and about an inch wider at 25". Bev (Karen's occupational therapist) then hooked it up to a computer so they could change to programming (things like how fast it will go and how fast the brakes work) then more zipping around. Karen said it was a lot faster then her old chair, this one is almost 15mph where the old one was around 8, just means if I go shopping I will lose her more :)



The new chair will tilt the seat back to about 45 degrees if she wants it to but it does have interlocks so if it is tilted back so far it will drive only at the slowest speed. She can also instead of transferring to a bed for rest just tilt the chair back (she likes that). The first picture the chair is reclined as much as it will and let her go at any speed she likes.

Thursday Karen and Lorna (our next door neighbour) took the dogs for a walk. We had a little bit of snow and Karen said this chair doesn't go as good as her old one, drive tires are narrower and not as heavy a tread pattern. On the way home with about half a block to go it just quit. Lorna pushed her up the road. They had called me a few minutes before and said I should go look at the sky so I was outside and went and pushed her the rest of the way. Thought maybe the batteries were not charged as much as she thought, so once inside we plugged it in but the charger didn't work like it was supposed to. We phoned them and called for a guy to pick it up and take it back but Karen found a plug to the controller had come undone. She apparently had the dogs leash looped around the controller and I guess she was pulling and the plug got pulled apart. Back together and everything works again.
Still getting some nice sunsets though earlier and earlier, sunsets here are around 4:40 now and full dark by 5:30 or so.


Still lots of leaves on the trees here back in October, most are nice fall colours and just starting to fall off.


By now all the leaves have fallen and we had been quite cold here though that day it had got right around freezing for the hi and had a little bit of snow and rain mixed earlier in the day.

Shantanu Jha
Has anyone else been having some issues with VividHDR? Since the last update to iOS 8.1.1 I get the odd time where I get an error when it's saving the images. VividHDR says to go to system prefs and toggle access to the camera. I have found if I just tak another picture it will work without the error. I have toggle camera access before also. Why it's doing it I am not sure.

Shantanu Jha
Has anyone else been having some issues with VividHDR? Since the last update to iOS 8.1.1 I get the odd time where I get an error when it's saving the images. VividHDR says to go to system prefs and toggle access to the camera. I have found if I just tak another picture it will work without the error. I have toggle camera access before also. Why it's doing it I am not sure.
Lzed that is definitely not good behavior ! I don't believe that we've had it reported before. Will check and revert back.

Lzed that is definitely not good behavior ! I don't believe that we've had it reported before. Will check and revert back.

Probably 95+% I never have an issue, just once in a while it gives me an error. Could it be something with the iPad getting cold?
A couple weeks ago I was out in -10 to -15 temps and taking pictures of an icicle and after about a half hr I got an icon with a thermometer that said my iPad was overheating (definitely not overheating) then shut off. Took it in and it took about a half hr to warm up enough to get rid of the warning and it would stay on. Every time I have gotten the warning with VividHDR I have been outside. Right now it's really cold here, normal hi low here (long term average) is -5 and -15 this year we have been at least 10 to 15 degrees colder, yesterday high was -22 and with windchill around -42.
So I wondered if that was causing the odd error. Will see if it continues.
Shantanu Jha
Well, editing gave me the same error, about two hours a after I took the pictures and back inside so something is weird...


iPad 3 wifi 64gig ios 8.1.1
I don't recall ever seeing this until after the last iOS update
4th December Sunset....

I had gone outside to take the recycling out and see if there was going to be an interesting sunset and looked like it could be. I had just finished putting the bin out on the street and one of the para transit buses stopped. I was puzzled because I thought the MS supper was the next day butno the driver said right now. Went into the house and asked Karen, all I heard was the 'oh darn...'. Ran downstairs and got my iPad and put my coat and boots on. We were first on the bus which meant we were at the very back and in for a bumpy ride. The roads here heave because of the water in the clay swelling so some roads are like a rollercoaster and back of the bus seems to exaggerate things. Drove down the road from our place and picked up two other gals in wheelchairs then off. By this time it was a gorgeous sunset and I was trying to get pictures as we bounced around down the road. HDR of any kind was out of the question, too much movement so I just used FieldCam. For the most part they all came out not to bad, a couple where everything was out of focus but most were better then I expected.






The first three were not far from where we live, third picture is the overpass for Ring Road. Originally Ring Road was outside the city but as the city grew it gets buried. At least it is for the most part a fast way to get around the city, going east there are no lights until you get around to the west side, the portion going from the SW to the NW is still in the planning stages and supposed to be done in the next 5 years or so, so for now the road on that side has maybe a half dozen intersections with lights.

The last couple of pictures is going through the industrial section and shortly after the buildings blocked most of the view.
Stills pretty nice sunset. I thought about taking pictures last night but while the temperature was about -5c the wind was so cold that even after a couple minutes I was freezing.
These are really lovely shots, especially taken whilst bouncing around in the back of a bus!! Love the smooth blue/grey against the orange.
Went out shopping today. Man I hate grocery stores this time of year, nothing but a zoo. Absolutely hate when people stop to talk with someone else and block the isle, or leave the cart out in the isle and walk away looking for something... Both happened a few times today.
On the way home I thought I would take a picture of this house. It used to be a Canary Yellow but a few months back they repainted it, not sure but I really don't like this colour either....
This house used to have no median for a long time and had been hit by cars before. They built the fence out of steel and concrete which should keep the house a bit less likely to get hit. Columns are in steel pipes buried about 4-5 feet in the ground and encased with conrete, the panels they made their own moulds and have rebar buried in them. Around the same time the city decided to put in the median which may help. Has not been hit in a few years now. Not sure why the Canary Yellow before and this Orange now but I see it is now for sale, I think they want $360,000.

Went out shopping today. Man I hate grocery stores this time of year, nothing but a zoo. Absolutely hate when people stop to talk with someone else and block the isle, or leave the cart out in the isle and walk away looking for something... Both happened a few times today.
On the way home I thought I would take a picture of this house. It used to be a Canary Yellow but a few months back they repainted it, not sure but I really don't like this colour either....
This house used to have no median for a long time and had been hit by cars before. They built the fence out of steel and concrete which should keep the house a bit less likely to get hit. Columns are in steel pipes buried about 4-5 feet in the ground and encased with conrete, the panels they made their own moulds and have rebar buried in them. Around the same time the city decided to put in the median which may help. Has not been hit in a few years now. Not sure why the Canary Yellow before and this Orange now but I see it is now for sale, I think they want $360,000.

View attachment 59690
Like the sunsets! VividHDR?
And if I had money like I don't, I'd buy that house and paint it purple - or lavender or violet or every side in another shade of purple. :D and then I'd pack it and move it over to here. :lol:
Like the sunsets! VividHDR?
And if I had money like I don't, I'd buy that house and paint it purple - or lavender or violet or every side in another shade of purple. :D and then I'd pack it and move it over to here. :lol:
Sunsets were taken using FieldCam, another of Mike Hardaker s fantastic apps, HDR would have been a mess with all the movement. Same with TaruCamera or Cortex. Even in these if you look at tail lights in the third image you can see slight movement.

It would be horribly expensive to move it that far :D Hmmm, Purple might be an improvement :)

There are some houses that are different colours and this one I like...


This house was built probably in the 30’s when most building was done with brick. New construction here is all wood for houses and possibly light weight stone on them for decoration. On the right side there is a big circular mosaic that is really different for here.
Wow those are bold colors! I think I'd really like the orange if there were a couple more colors added - the door, window trim, fence... Just orange and white doesn't do it for me...but not sure what colors I'd add though. :barf:
Sunsets were taken using FieldCam, another of Mike Hardaker s fantastic apps, HDR would have been a mess with all the movement. Same with TaruCamera or Cortex. Even in these if you look at tail lights in the third image you can see slight movement.

It would be horribly expensive to move it that far :D Hmmm, Purple might be an improvement :)

There are some houses that are different colours and this one I like...
View attachment 59702

View attachment 59703
This house was built probably in the 30’s when most building was done with brick. New construction here is all wood for houses and possibly light weight stone on them for decoration. On the right side there is a big circular mosaic that is really different for here.
Oh yes, Larry, rather this one, but painted purple. :) It is so cosy!!!! Beware me winning in a lottery. Maybe I should start getting a ticket ...
Wow those are bold colors! I think I'd really like the orange if there were a couple more colors added - the door, window trim, fence... Just orange and white doesn't do it for me...but not sure what colors I'd add though. :barf:
Despite not being my favourite with the Orange the Canary Yellow made it stand out even more.

Oh yes, Larry, rather this one, but painted purple. :) It is so cosy!!!! Beware me winning in a lottery. Maybe I should start getting a ticket ...
I could like this one in purple, but I like the dark blue and the front door is a wine colour that fits in.
Strangely there are not that many brightly coloured homes here. The older homes are smaller, probably 74-83 sq m (800-900 sq ft) at most on a floor. There are a lot of wartime houses that are tiny, maybe 55sq m (600 sq ft) at most on small 7.5 meter (25 ft) wide yards. For the time this was built it was a huge house and the owners were well off.
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