Without you...

"...there was no love, there will be no love, before you, after you..."

Blux,Glaze, iornament, ,icolorama, blender, psexpress,paintfx

Methinks an abstract adventure may be on the cards for me too! :)
You have inspired me Delta.

Good !:D Now do it ! I'm going to share some sage advice from a world renown iphoneartist who told me when I was having a :alien: moment that :

" ... Your job as an artist is to create your own signature, going against the grain, being different...even a still life is truly an abstraction because it is a "snapshot in time. That exact same snapshot will never, ever appear in the exact same manner as it once did within the future. "

There is so much of us as artists that remains untapped - our raison d'être is to continually, persistently, without reservation or hesitation crack open those places, learn all we can and execute.. Our arrival and destination cannot be determined but when we arrive we will see it and our heart will know it.

So tapping into abstracts is for me is another way to grow my art.
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