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Hipstamatic - what’s your favourite combos? And let’s see some examples


IOTM Winner - Feb 21, Sep 22, Mar 24
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This is probably like opening a massive pandora’s box but I think quite a few of us are looking to find a set of useable staple combos.

The best piece of advice I picked up was from lkbside , Leslie, who said that she sets her default combo in the editing section of Hipstamatic to the lens Jane and no film. I see my clarity is set to 30 which might also be her advice. Sometimes I need to go no further.

This is one of my current faves - a combo of Padma lens, Cinemateque film and Lighthouse ring flash. It gives a lovely 'off register' colour wash and also blurs parts of the image like a chromatic aberration. Just the sort of thing I tried to create on my camera with an old projector lens.
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I can only assume, unless the Hipsta fairies come and change the lens on your device, its just the regular lens with a filter on it. They like to call it a lens as it sounds more funky ;)
I'm not a Hipsta user, but there might be a method to calling something a lens or film, depending on its characteristics. Lenses might have things like sharp/soft focus, vignetting, distortion, and so on. Films might be color, light leaks, grain, things like that.

Or there may be no system to it at all.
How many combos do you have? Spend a day with this one and see if your love is real
On HipstaX I allow myself 20. I tend to name them according to what I find them useful for. If I add one, I delete one. I use the original Hipstamatic for editing. I tend to use the same combos for similar photos. I do a lot of collaging so some of the stranger combos might work for them. For example the Roswell pak could work. My biggest problem is I don’t really understand what each lens, film and flash does. I love the Rockstar pak because it’s so sharp but I can’t tell you what’s in it. You have a point, though. I should maybe use a particular combo for my 365 for a week and get to know it.
A Question, is a 'lens' actually just a filter and the film a second filter?

I interested in the question, too. I have no idea how the thing works. :(

I can only assume, unless the Hipsta fairies come and change the lens on your device, its just the regular lens with a filter on it. They like to call it a lens as it sounds more funky ;)
They are all most definitely filters. Their whole schtick is making you feel like you’re taking analog images - thus the various camera “cases” as well as all the lenses and film can graphics (IMO the graphics are the best part of the paks. :rolleyes: )
Not exactly a combo, but I'm a fan of just about every single B&W film they've released. My favorite by far, though, is the BlacKeys IR film from the Bucktown Hipstapak. It makes for incredibly dramatic photos, especially landscapes with plenty of sky in them.

Here's a few with the Scott S lens that was also part of Bucktown.


My 365 finishes in August, so I may have to pick up the Hipsta ball and explore the combos more directly. At the moment, I just use the preview film/lens selector in the editor to get an idea of the final result.
Not exactly a combo, but I'm a fan of just about every single B&W film they've released. My favorite by far, though, is the BlacKeys IR film from the Bucktown Hipstapak. It makes for incredibly dramatic photos, especially landscapes with plenty of sky in them.

Here's a few with the Scott S lens that was also part of Bucktown.
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Hilarious, the same combo I posted above! My absolute favorite.
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