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Hipstamatic X

Celine Lumiere

Real Name
Celine Lumiere
iPhone 6
As I have mentioned (https://mobitog.com/threads/hipstamatic-dying-or-simply-experiencing-evolution.23739/post-431012) Hipstamatic will release new App named Hipstamatic X on September 20, 2019. I have just installed the trial version of Hipstamatic X (via Testflight). I am shocked and speechless. You know, I am die-hard user of classic Hipstamatic, but I can not believe that Hipstamatic is able to bring this crap to the market, even more - on subscription model at outrageous prices (5.49€ per month, 26.90€ per year, 229€ one time forever). They failed with Disposable, they failed with DSPO, Oggl was not a big throw and now the 4th attempt. They try it again and again. This time, though, it's a step back several years in app development. The app design is amateurish, clumsy. First comes stupid 8 bit gameboy music and matching graphics. But then, when the app really starts, it does not get better. Yes, the app crash each time and the image processing dosen’t work, but I mean something else - the interface is so cheesy. And they are so greedy! It's just ridiculous. You can not take it seriously. What did they think?
As I have mentioned (https://mobitog.com/threads/hipstamatic-dying-or-simply-experiencing-evolution.23739/post-431012) Hipstamatic will release new App named Hipstamatic X on September 20, 2019. I have just installed the trial version of Hipstamatic X (via Testflight). I am shocked and speechless. You know, I am die-hard user of classic Hipstamatic, but I can not believe that Hipstamatic is able to bring this crap to the market, even more - on subscription model at outrageous prices (5.49€ per month, 26.90€ per year, 229€ one time forever). They failed with Disposable, they failed with DSPO, Oggl was not a big throw and now the 4th attempt. They try it again and again. This time, though, it's a step back several years in app development. The app design is amateurish, clumsy. First comes stupid 8 bit gameboy music and matching graphics. But then, when the app really starts, it does not get better. Yes, the app crash each time and the image processing dosen’t work, but I mean something else - the interface is so cheesy. And they are so greedy! It's just ridiculous. You can not take it seriously. What did they think?
Thank you for this extraordinary informative summary. I love Hipstamatic and do buy lenses and stuff (when on sale), but a subscription with sadly/monthly/… fees will never find a way on my phone. Thank you for warning. Hope they'll continue the classic as before.
As I have mentioned (https://mobitog.com/threads/hipstamatic-dying-or-simply-experiencing-evolution.23739/post-431012) Hipstamatic will release new App named Hipstamatic X on September 20, 2019. I have just installed the trial version of Hipstamatic X (via Testflight). I am shocked and speechless. You know, I am die-hard user of classic Hipstamatic, but I can not believe that Hipstamatic is able to bring this crap to the market, even more - on subscription model at outrageous prices (5.49€ per month, 26.90€ per year, 229€ one time forever). They failed with Disposable, they failed with DSPO, Oggl was not a big throw and now the 4th attempt. They try it again and again. This time, though, it's a step back several years in app development. The app design is amateurish, clumsy. First comes stupid 8 bit gameboy music and matching graphics. But then, when the app really starts, it does not get better. Yes, the app crash each time and the image processing dosen’t work, but I mean something else - the interface is so cheesy. And they are so greedy! It's just ridiculous. You can not take it seriously. What did they think?
Thank you Celine for the heads-up and the analysis. It’s great to hear from someone that’s tried it in beta - instead having to buy it and being used as a guinea pig by the developer. I don’t think many people will be going for it, do you?
As I have mentioned (https://mobitog.com/threads/hipstamatic-dying-or-simply-experiencing-evolution.23739/post-431012) Hipstamatic will release new App named Hipstamatic X on September 20, 2019. I have just installed the trial version of Hipstamatic X (via Testflight). I am shocked and speechless. You know, I am die-hard user of classic Hipstamatic, but I can not believe that Hipstamatic is able to bring this crap to the market, even more - on subscription model at outrageous prices (5.49€ per month, 26.90€ per year, 229€ one time forever). They failed with Disposable, they failed with DSPO, Oggl was not a big throw and now the 4th attempt. They try it again and again. This time, though, it's a step back several years in app development. The app design is amateurish, clumsy. First comes stupid 8 bit gameboy music and matching graphics. But then, when the app really starts, it does not get better. Yes, the app crash each time and the image processing dosen’t work, but I mean something else - the interface is so cheesy. And they are so greedy! It's just ridiculous. You can not take it seriously. What did they think?
Wow, an opportunity to make loads of money with an extraordinary app and they have clearly stuffed up (wanted to say something a little stronger than that with f in it :lol: ). Whatever, even if it made me the best cappuccino, not paying subscription. End of.
I hope the original Hipstamatic stays in the store. I'm just wondering if the old app will continue, who pays more money for the new app, which is even worse? If you buy all the HipstaPaks, the classic Hipstamatic costs only 13€ per year. Of course, I buy all Paks, unseen. I would even jump on the subscription model, but not for that new X crap and, honestly, not for 26.90€ per year. And the 229€ as once payment is simply ridiculous.
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Sad news. Another once (reasonably) benevolent developer falls for the seductive greed of the subscription model. I still enjoy downloading the occasional paks but would never pay the annual fee it sounds like Hipsta are demanding.

Speaking of revenue streams I was interested to see, in a recent update to the Lomograph app, that they are now offering a range of 'Hipstamatic' filters. These are a set of five tint filters that don't seem to match any of the Paks I know. Since they are an IAP I haven't tried them out but was wondering if this was an official bit of branding that Hipstamatic were getting some money for.
Just found. A short experct from Hipsta X FAQ (from Testflight):

Q: What about Hipstamatic 300? Will this replace it?
A: Nope. This is going to be released as a separate app. Everything you know and love about 300 will stay right where it is.

That calms something down.
I’m testing it too. Will be sticking with the regular app based on first impressions. I think if you’ve never bought the reg app or all the paks then maybe you’d opt in to that crazy subscription plan. But if you’ve already invested in the paks then I doubt you’d find this of interest.

I think they’re releasing an update to hipsta -355 - I guess optimized for the upcoming ios13.

Yes Hipstamatic says it’s separate app coming to October, we dont have to worry about our Original Hipstamatic
Really a misnomer to declare the new X app as free! Yes, you'll be able to download it and try it for 7 days, but after that you'll have very few included options without subscribing, unless they offer an option to let people import their previous purchases.
...after that you'll have very few included options without subscribing, unless they offer an option to let people import their previous purchases.
That seems to be the case according to the email I received today. There's also a list of IAPs but with no subscription periods. The top one, 'Lifetime Membership', is a mere £200!!

Hipsta X pre-order.JPG
Hi everyone.

I pre-ordered the app too but I was scared thinking about they are going to kill the original Hipstamatic.

You already said about the crazy prices and the previous failures so we know the drill. I don't like the subscripton model at all, I prefer to buy the film and keep them as long as I want to. I just hope they won't screw the original app. It's also written that you can transfer all the paks you have in the new Hipstamatic X.

I believe we are the most patient and loyal fan base of an app and thanks to us, and the money that we regularly pay for it, they can keep living. But honestly, they should just put better money and people in the development team and stop fooling around with many other things that are just failures and distractions.

Would you believe that, in spite of having deleted Hipstamatic from my phone a couple of weeks ago, when I got the message about the new Hipstamatic X I thought maybe this one will work for me. So I pre-ordered the app. I didn’t look into it very much, except I did notice some outrageous prices in the in-apps. Now, hearing more about I I don’t think I will bother downloading the app when it becomes available.
I believe we are the most patient and loyal fan base of an app and thanks to us, and the money that we regularly pay for it, they can keep living. But honestly, they should just put better money and people in the development team and stop fooling around with many other things that are just failures and distractions.
AGREE!! :thumbs:
I've used Hipstamatic for about 9 years and have bought almost every Hipstapak. I was pumped to see the announcement of a new app. I've just installed the new app. Unlike everyone else here, I actually like it:

- I think the interface is quicker and easier to use than Hipstamatic 300. For example, I can quickly change lense (telephoto, wide, selfie) from one place (just swipe down to reveal flash, crop, lens options). In Hipstamatic 300 I can only use selfie in the pro camera, and only use zoom in the classic camera (WTF).

- It's much quicker to get to browse and select a camera/filter when editing your shots in the new app. Filters are grouped by category showing 8 per page, you can swipe through full size previews instantly.

- Swiping the camera up to access photos, down a bit to access lens/flash/crop options, down a lot to access cameras, is fast and intuitive.

- Hopefully the machine learning "eazy camera" actually makes intelligent choices. Hipstamtic 300's "shake to randomise" feature was completely useless with a full compliment of Hipstapaks enabled. I'd have to hit that random button 100 times to get a good combination. Too many weird combinations being thrown together, and I never had time or patience to manually go through and disable all the lenses I didn't like because it was never easy to do so right in the moment.

It's missing a few things and other things a bit unclear to me, though:

- I can't see a way to choose from my own camera bag when editing existing shots, just the curated 8 combinations per category.

- I can't see a way to edit shots at all besides choosing a different filter. Not even crop or straighten. That might go against the philosophy of "just shoot without editing" and enjoy the moment. But I really feel like at least some very basic editing features are required, otherwise this camera is really just a toy and I'll need to keep both apps so I can adjust the crop or straighten after taking a shot.

- I keep forgetting that swipe up is delete and have to keep hitting cancel as I try to navigate my photos.

- If you find a filter you kind of like but want to swap out or disable just the flash, or just the film, this doesn't appear to be possible.

- If you scroll way down in your list of photos, there's no instant "back to camera" button. I have to scroll all the way back to the top to get to the camera.

- They said all my gear would carry over from Hipstamatic. But I'm not sure where/how to access it all. Is it only available for making custom cameras, and not when editing your photo library?

Also, the lifetime subscription was discounted to $47 AUD (this week for existing users), which is just $7 more than the annual subscription. Still expensive, and annoying that there's a time pressure to buy before it's clear if the app is worth it.

I think overall they would have been better off spending time improving the existing app than releasing another toy/niche app. But I think the critics here are also being a little harsh.

Hipstamatic still have and make the best filters available on any platform (I've tried many alternative apps, and came back to iOS from a couple years on Android *just* for Hipstamatic). This new app is good, easy to use, and fulfils its stated objectives (much like the original Hipstamatic did) of point and shoot fun. The app is worth a try, and I hope they continue to improve both Hipstamatic 300 and Hipstamatic X.

EDIT: It's a bit unclear from the language, but I *think* if you've already purchased all the Hipstapaks for the old app, there is no reason to subscribe to the new app. Those filters will be available to you in the new app already. One reviewer on the app store said they were being charged a subscription to access filters they had already purchased.
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I've used Hipstamatic for about 9 years and have bought almost every Hipstapak. I was pumped to see the announcement of a new app. I've just installed the new app. Unlike everyone else here, I actually like it:

- I think the interface is quicker and easier to use than Hipstamatic 300. For example, I can quickly change lense (telephoto, wide, selfie) from one place (just swipe down to reveal flash, crop, lens options). In Hipstamatic 300 I can only use selfie in the pro camera, and only use zoom in the classic camera (WTF).

- It's much quicker to get to browse and select a camera/filter when editing your shots in the new app. Filters are grouped by category showing 8 per page, you can swipe through full size previews instantly.

- Swiping the camera up to access photos, down a bit to access lens/flash/crop options, down a lot to access cameras, is fast and intuitive.

- Hopefully the machine learning "eazy camera" actually makes intelligent choices. Hipstamtic 300's "shake to randomise" feature was completely useless with a full compliment of Hipstapaks enabled. I'd have to hit that random button 100 times to get a good combination. Too many weird combinations being thrown together, and I never had time or patience to manually go through and disable all the lenses I didn't like because it was never easy to do so right in the moment.

It's missing a few things and other things a bit unclear to me, though:

- I can't see a way to choose from my own camera bag when editing existing shots, just the curated 8 combinations per category.

- I can't see a way to edit shots at all besides choosing a different filter. Not even crop or straighten. That might go against the philosophy of "just shoot without editing" and enjoy the moment. But I really feel like at least some very basic editing features are required, otherwise this camera is really just a toy and I'll need to keep both apps so I can adjust the crop or straighten after taking a shot.

- I keep forgetting that swipe up is delete and have to keep hitting cancel as I try to navigate my photos.

- If you find a filter you kind of like but want to swap out or disable just the flash, or just the film, this doesn't appear to be possible.

- If you scroll way down in your list of photos, there's no instant "back to camera" button. I have to scroll all the way back to the top to get to the camera.

- They said all my gear would carry over from Hipstamatic. But I'm not sure where/how to access it all. Is it only available for making custom cameras, and not when editing your photo library?

Also, the lifetime subscription was discounted to $47 AUD (this week for existing users), which is just $7 more than the annual subscription. Still expensive, and annoying that there's a time pressure to buy before it's clear if the app is worth it.

I think overall they would have been better off spending time improving the existing app than releasing another toy/niche app. But I think the critics here are also being a little harsh.

Hipstamatic still have and make the best filters available on any platform (I've tried many alternative apps, and came back to iOS from a couple years on Android *just* for Hipstamatic). This new app is good, easy to use, and fulfils its stated objectives (much like the original Hipstamatic did) of point and shoot fun. The app is worth a try, and I hope they continue to improve both Hipstamatic 300 and Hipstamatic X.

EDIT: It's a bit unclear from the language, but I *think* if you've already purchased all the Hipstapaks for the old app, there is no reason to subscribe to the new app. Those filters will be available to you in the new app already. One reviewer on the app store said they were being charged a subscription to access filters they had already purchased.
Thank you for the well written and informative review of the app... I’m sure many will find it useful. :thumbs:

And, welcome to MobiTog! When you have a moment, please feel free to pop over to the Welcome forum and introduce yourself to our community. :) https://mobitog.com/forums/welcome.2/
I've used Hipstamatic for about 9 years and have bought almost every Hipstapak. I was pumped to see the announcement of a new app. I've just installed the new app. Unlike everyone else here, I actually like it:

- I think the interface is quicker and easier to use than Hipstamatic 300. For example, I can quickly change lense (telephoto, wide, selfie) from one place (just swipe down to reveal flash, crop, lens options). In Hipstamatic 300 I can only use selfie in the pro camera, and only use zoom in the classic camera (WTF).

- It's much quicker to get to browse and select a camera/filter when editing your shots in the new app. Filters are grouped by category showing 8 per page, you can swipe through full size previews instantly.

- Swiping the camera up to access photos, down a bit to access lens/flash/crop options, down a lot to access cameras, is fast and intuitive.

- Hopefully the machine learning "eazy camera" actually makes intelligent choices. Hipstamtic 300's "shake to randomise" feature was completely useless with a full compliment of Hipstapaks enabled. I'd have to hit that random button 100 times to get a good combination. Too many weird combinations being thrown together, and I never had time or patience to manually go through and disable all the lenses I didn't like because it was never easy to do so right in the moment.

It's missing a few things and other things a bit unclear to me, though:

- I can't see a way to choose from my own camera bag when editing existing shots, just the curated 8 combinations per category.

- I can't see a way to edit shots at all besides choosing a different filter. Not even crop or straighten. That might go against the philosophy of "just shoot without editing" and enjoy the moment. But I really feel like at least some very basic editing features are required, otherwise this camera is really just a toy and I'll need to keep both apps so I can adjust the crop or straighten after taking a shot.

- I keep forgetting that swipe up is delete and have to keep hitting cancel as I try to navigate my photos.

- If you find a filter you kind of like but want to swap out or disable just the flash, or just the film, this doesn't appear to be possible.

- If you scroll way down in your list of photos, there's no instant "back to camera" button. I have to scroll all the way back to the top to get to the camera.

- They said all my gear would carry over from Hipstamatic. But I'm not sure where/how to access it all. Is it only available for making custom cameras, and not when editing your photo library?

Also, the lifetime subscription was discounted to $47 AUD (this week for existing users), which is just $7 more than the annual subscription. Still expensive, and annoying that there's a time pressure to buy before it's clear if the app is worth it.

I think overall they would have been better off spending time improving the existing app than releasing another toy/niche app. But I think the critics here are also being a little harsh.

Hipstamatic still have and make the best filters available on any platform (I've tried many alternative apps, and came back to iOS from a couple years on Android *just* for Hipstamatic). This new app is good, easy to use, and fulfils its stated objectives (much like the original Hipstamatic did) of point and shoot fun. The app is worth a try, and I hope they continue to improve both Hipstamatic 300 and Hipstamatic X.

EDIT: It's a bit unclear from the language, but I *think* if you've already purchased all the Hipstapaks for the old app, there is no reason to subscribe to the new app. Those filters will be available to you in the new app already. One reviewer on the app store said they were being charged a subscription to access filters they had already purchased.
Informative review, I'd love to see some of the images you've created with the new app. I'm looking in from the (android) outside, although I do have Hipsta on my ipad :thumbs:
Ok, I can see and use the app now and I have mix feelings. I noticed, as you mentioned already, that there is a lifetime discount for old users. And that lasts 1 week only (what a nice people!).

I remember buying for a lifetime upgrade already on one of their previous apps that afterwards never upgraded. But it was only a few euros.

I hope that this is not another marketing empty strategy, where they put a high lifetime price, to get extra money from old users with this greater discount option. And then kill the app in a couple of years. :(
I noticed, as you mentioned already, that there is a lifetime discount for old users. And that lasts 1 week only (what a nice people!).
Not sure where you're seeing the discount for old users. I'm a very old user (in so many ways!) and I don't see any discount on the Lifetime sub of £199 (UK). The only 'discount' is under the Annual sub of £22.99, which claims you save £2 a month on the monthly sub of £4.49. There is an offer of a one week's free trial and then automatically starting the annual sub but I think that's the same for everyone.
For anyone who is interested the new Hipstamatic app comes with 12 'new' Signature Cameras (preset film/lens combos, not editable as far as I can see at this stage). They are: Eazy Auto, Instant, *Tintype, *Fisheye, *Pinhole, Model 100, *Disposable, *Black and White, K-Pro- X, Foodie, *Classic Toy and *Art House. Cameras marked '*' are Member Exclusives. You can also build your own camera from Hipsta's existing lens and film library, again only if you're a member of the curiously named Hipstamatic Makers Club.
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