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Infrared Mobile Photography

Well I'm all for trying to get things done for nowt but this is already feeling like a wash so I may just spend some money after all.

To get the true I R quality, your looking at a full spectrum conversion on a camera, or an outlay on a quality filter.
Well I absolutely LOVE my filter. I got home late afternoon today and the sun was shining so I rushed out expecting it to disappear behind the clouds but it stayed out and I spent the next one and a half hours photographing IR along the canal. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun!

So where do I start. Over 150 images later. All the images were taken in Camera+ 2 apart from a couple which I will mention.

I’m going to start with some unusual results. These occurred when photographing water. However, the beautiful multi-coloured image that was displayed as the RAW image in photos was not what you get when you take it into an editor. So the only way I could reproduce this look was to take a screenshot. The exposure was on auto so the ISO was way to high at 3200. One thing is for sure you need to keep the ISO low otherwise the noise is too much. However, LRM has a very good noise reduction tool which is clever at distinguishing what parts of the image to smooth which helped in the second shot although still a lot of noise.

So first the screenshot of what you see in the photos app:


This is what I achieved from processing the file in both LRM and Snapseed:
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Well I absolutely LOVE my filter. I got home late afternoon today and the sun was shining so I rushed out expecting it to disappear behind the clouds but it stayed out and I spent the next one and a half hours photographing IR along the canal. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun!

So where do I start. Over 150 images later. All the images were taken in Camera+ 2 apart from a couple which I will mention.

I’m going to start with some unusual results. These occurred when photographing water. However, the beautiful multi-coloured image that was displayed as the RAW image in photos was not what you get when you take it into an editor. So the only way I could reproduce this look was to take a screenshot. The exposure was on auto so the ISO was way to high at 3200. One thing is for sure you need to keep the ISO low otherwise the noise is too much. However, LRM has a very good noise reduction tool which is clever at distinguishing what parts of the image to smooth which helped in the second shot although still a lot of noise.

So first the screenshot of what you see in the photos app:

View attachment 170386

This is what I achieved from processing the file in both LRM and Snapseed:
View attachment 170387
All amazing shots! I can’t decide which of these I like better. I usually lean toward BnW but I love the color!!
Camera+ 2, ISO125, 1/10 sec.
Processed in LRM and Snapseed.

I didn’t get the hot spot on this one. Maybe it’s when the centre is darker.

Which one do you think is better? Probably the first one for me.
By the way I did use a monopod for all these images. Not totally stable but probably better than handheld.

Camera+ 2, ISO 80, 1/20 Sec, Processed in LRM

Camera+ 2, ISO 64, 1 sec, Processed in LRM
One of my favourites. ISO 1000 on this so more noise than I would have liked. This was processed from the jpeg and not raw. One of the things I like about setting both jpeg and RAW in Camera+ 2. If the exposure isn’t right, the jpeg is easier to process.


Camera +2, ISO 125, 1/15 sec
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Great quality images, sort of a tintype or collodion quality to them. Not sure when I will get a chance to try this out, but I am dying to give it a go again with my 85nm filter!
These are all fantastic! I had set my infrared aspirations aside, but you are inspiring me to reconsider!
These are all fantastic! I had set my infrared aspirations aside, but you are inspiring me to reconsider!
OK, well here’s a Facebook Group to get you even more inspired:
I was attempting to organize some apps on my iPhone when I saw Jixipix’s NIR Color app. I haven’t used it a lot, because using it on normal photos just assigns funky colors. But, duh, why not try it on the ones I take with the IR filter? This used just NIR and Snapseed, no LR.

Back before I had a decent phone, I was shopping around for a cheap IR filter and saw one on ebay. Apparently welding goggle glass performs well in this capacity and I found a square of perspex, which the seller advertised as an IR filter. I bought it for a few quid and when it came, I held it up to the light. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I put it up against a spotlight, nothing. Total black. Disheartened, I put it down to being a mug and a bit overeager and congratulated myself in only losing a fiver. I tried it with my camera and still nothing, so it went into a drawer and a few weeks later, I splashed out for a glass 52mm screw on filter and played with that. I forgot all about the square till this afternoon, so as the sun was still out, I dashed in, found it and held it up to the light again. Nothing. High intensity LED lamp - nothing. It began to dawn on me why it was in the drawer. So, resignedly, I stuck it over the phone camera and faced the window. Turned on the natuve cam and .. voila!! A pink flourescent image! I took a couple of snaps and quickly processed them in LRM to the BW High Contrast preset and tweaked clarity etc. Not bad at all! See below. Ill follow Imagearts instructions for set up and try again later!
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