• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

MobiTog Staff Update - November 2019...

Hi all, just dropped by to say Wassail to you all and find I'm in time to witness a 'cabinet reshuffle'. Congrats on your elevation to the mystic Staffroom Starzee and good luck with that special project FundyBrian. This is always a heartwarming time in the MobiTog family as digital snow fills our screens and sounds of eggnog been glugged down emanate from the staff quarters. It's great that this unique community is here to celebrate another Christmas. Long may it continue to do so.
Wassail to you kind sir! I hope you have a good one, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. :hearteyes:
Hi all, just dropped by to say Wassail to you all and find I'm in time to witness a 'cabinet reshuffle'. Congrats on your elevation to the mystic Staffroom Starzee and good luck with that special project FundyBrian. This is always a heartwarming time in the MobiTog family as digital snow fills our screens and sounds of eggnog been glugged down emanate from the staff quarters. It's great that this unique community is here to celebrate another Christmas. Long may it continue to do so.
Lovely to see you here, Richard! :blush: Hoping your holidays are happy and merry..... and filled with egg nog. :D
Hi all, just dropped by to say Wassail to you all and find I'm in time to witness a 'cabinet reshuffle'. Congrats on your elevation to the mystic Staffroom Starzee and good luck with that special project FundyBrian. This is always a heartwarming time in the MobiTog family as digital snow fills our screens and sounds of eggnog been glugged down emanate from the staff quarters. It's great that this unique community is here to celebrate another Christmas. Long may it continue to do so.
And the same HumBug Wassail Wish to you too Rich... :whistle: :rog:

It’s great to see you stopping by at this joyous time of year sir, thank you... :thumbs:
You certainly did not Tom and we very much appreciate it, thank you so much fr your generosity sir... :inlove:

Your profile has been appropriately adorned... :rog:
You certainly did not Tom and we very much appreciate it, thank you so much fr your generosity sir... :inlove:

Your profile has been appropriately adorned... :rog:

My pleasure and again - thank you for all the work! Merry Christmas to you, your family (if) and all the members of this gorgeous forum!

Tom :innocent: (I haven't found a Santa! :sneaky:)
Happy Holidays everyone! A hearfelt thank you to all MobiTog Staff, present and past, for your engagement during a year that seems to have gone by at 300 fps. I also wish each and every member love and peace: no matter how you celebrate do so with love in your heart. MobiTog is, for me, an indication that mankind can indeed get on if we have a common purpose. In our case subject, composition and exposure :) :p
Stay Safe!
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